Gençlik Rehberi

Bediüzzaman Said Nursî


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If you want a friend, God is enough. Yes, if he is a friend, everything is a friend. If you want help, the Quran is enough. Yes, he meets with his prophets and angels in his imagination and watches their events and becomes familiar with them. If you want wealth, contentment is enough. Yes, he who is content will be economical; He who is economical finds abundance. If you want an enemy, the self is enough. Yes, those who are arrogant will find trouble and get into trouble; He who does not like himself will find salvation and go to mercy. If you want advice, death is enough. Yes, the one who thinks about death gets rid of the hubbub of this world and works seriously for the afterlife. * * * (From Lem'alar Magazine) Youth Guide - 127
Dost istersen ALLAH (c.c) yeter.
Dost istersen Allah yeter. Evet, O dost ise her şey dosttur." "Yârân istersen Kur'ân yeter. Evet, ondaki enbiya ve melâike ile hayalen görüşür ve vukuatlarını seyredip ünsiyet eder." "Mal istersen kanaat yeter. Evet, kanaat eden iktisat eder; iktisat eden bereket bulur." "Düşman istersen nefis yeter. Evet, kendini beğenen belâyı bulur, zahmete düşer; kendini beğenmeyen safâyı bulur, rahmete gider." "Nasihat istersen ölüm yeter. Evet, ölümü düşünen, hubbu dünyadan kurtulur ve âhiretine ciddî çalışır."
اَلرَّاض۪ى بِالضَّرَرِ لَا يُنْظَرُ لَهُ Şer'î bir kaidedir: "Zarara kendi rızasıyla girene merhamet edilmez." (Sözler sh: 148)
"Gayr-i meşru bir muhabbetin neticesi, merhametsiz azap çekmektir."
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