Geniş, Geniş Bir Deniz

Jean Rhys

Geniş, Geniş Bir Deniz Quotes

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There is no looking-glass here and I don't know what I am like now. I remember watching myself brush my hair and how my eyes looked back at me. The girl I saw was myself yet not quite myself. Long ago when I was a child and very lonely I tried to kiss her. But the glass was between us—hard, cold and misted over with my breath.
Sayfa 107 - W. W. Norton & Company, Inc
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Names matter, like when he wouldn’t call me Antoinette, and I saw Antoinette drifting out of the window with her scents, her pretty clothes and her looking-glass.”
Christophine Girlboss
'All women, all colours, nothing but fools. Three children I have. One living in this world, each one a different father, but no husband, I thank my God. I keep my money. I don't give it to no worthless man.'
Sayfa 66 - W. W. Norton Company, Inc
Nothing that I told her influenced her at all. Die then. Sleep. It is all that I can give you... I wonder if she ever guessed how near she came to dying. In her way, not in mine. It was not a safe game to play—in that place. Desire, Hatred, Life, Death came very close in the darkness. Better not know how close. Better not think, never for a moment. Not close. The same... 'You are safe,' I'd say to her and to myself. 'Shut your eyes. Rest.'
Sayfa 56 - W. W. Norton Company, Inc
'Die then! Die!' I watched her die many times. In my way, not in hers. In sunlight, in shadow, by moonlight, by candlelight. In the long afternoons when the house was empty. Only the sun was there to keep us company. We shut him out. And why not? Very soon she was as eager for what's called loving as I was—more lost and drowned afterwards.
Sayfa 55 - W. W. Norton Company, Inc
In that bed I will dream the end of my dream. But my dream had nothing to do with England and I must not think like this, I must remember about chandeliers, and dancing, about swans and roses and snow. And snow.
Sayfa 67 - W. W. Norton Company, Inc
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