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9.4Out of 10
625 People · 102 Review
48 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
Eğer size "Bir müsellesin mesaha-i sathiyesi, kaidesinin irtifaına hâsıl-ı zarbinin nısfına müsavidir" desem anlayabilir misiniz? Efendim bunun Türkçesi "Üçgenin alanı taban uzunluğu ile yüksekliğinin çarpımının yarısına eşittir" demektir. İşte bu karışıklığı yaşamamamız için Atatürk, III. Türk Dil Kurultayından hemen sonra,
GeometriMustafa Kemal Atatürk · Özlem Yayınevi · 20121,787 okunma
48 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
Read in 25 hours
This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
In the book, the Turkish equivalents that Atatürk found for geometry terms and the geometry theories are explained. “Dimension, space, surface, level, diameter, radius, square section, arc, circle, tangent, angle, bisector, interior angle, exterior angle, base, oblique, broken, plumb line, horizontal, vertical, parallel, position, triangle, quadrilateral, pentagon, diagonal, equilateral, isosceles, parallelogram, lateral, trapezoid, plus, minus, multiply, divide, equal, sum, ratio, proportion, derivative, area, assumption, justification, etc.” The terms were coined by Ataturk himself. The fact that Atatürk was interested in this task amidst all the war, turmoil and problems and the fact that we still use the terms he invented today made me admire Atatürk once again. This book should be in every library and read by everyone.
GeometriMustafa Kemal Atatürk · Özlem Yayınevi · 20121,787 okunma
48 syf.
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Atatürk, Sivas Kongresi’nin toplandığı Sivas Lisesi’ne, Lise Müdürü ve Matematik öğretmeni Ömer Beygo ve Başyardımcısı Felsefe öğretmeni Faik Dranaz ve öteki ilgililerle Kongre salonuna geldiler. Burada önce, 4 Eylül 1919da tarihî kongrenin toplandığı Kongre salonunu ve özel odasını gezdi ve o günkü dekoru aynen korunan bu oda ve salonda o güne ait hatıralarını anlattı. Sonra topluluk halinde Lisenin 9/A sınıfında programdaki Hendese (Geometri) dersine girdi. Bu derste bir kız öğrenciyi tahtaya kaldırdı. Öğrenci tahtada çizdiği koşut iki çizginin başka iki koşut çizginin kesişmesinden oluşan açıların Arapça adlarını söylemekte zorluk çekiyor ve yanlışlıklar yapıyordu. Bu durumdan etkilenen Atatürk, tepkisini, “Bu anlaşılmaz Arapça terimlerle, öğrencilere bilgi verilemez. Dersler, Türkçe, yeni terimlerle anlatılmalıdır.” dedi ve tebeşiri eline alıp, tahtada çizimlerle “zaviye”nin karşılığı olarak “açı”, “dılı” nın karşılığı olarak “kenar”, “müselles”in karşılığı olarak da “üçgen” gibi Türkçe yeni terimler kullanarak, bir takım Geometri konularını ve bu arada Pythagoras teoremini anlattı. Atatürk, dilimize karşılığı “koşut” olan “muvazi” kelimesinin yerine kullandığı “paralel” teriminin kökenini açıklarken Orta Asya’daki Türklerin, kağnının iki tekerleğinin bir dingile bağlı olarak duruş biçimine “para” adını verdiklerini anlattı. Atatürk, bu derste aynı zamanda ders kitaplarının birkaç ay içinde Türkçe terimlerle yazdırılıp bütün okullara ulaştırılmasını emir buyurdu.....
GeometriMustafa Kemal Atatürk · Özlem Yayınevi · 20121,787 okunma
48 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
Read in 642 days
This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
“The truest guide for everything in the world, for civilization, for life, for success, is science. Looking for a guide other than knowledge and science is heedlessness, ignorance, and misguidance. It is only necessary to comprehend the evolution of the stages of science and science in every minute we live and to follow its progress over time.” Mustafa Kemal Atatürk Mustafa Kemal also gave great importance to independence in the field of culture and education. Although Arabic and Persian were removed from school curricula in the first years of the Republic, Arabic science and technology terms continued to be used. For example, zaviyetan-ı mutekibiletan-ı internal angles (internal opposite angles) etc. It was impossible to understand the terms. Angle, bisector, area, plus, pentagon, size, divided by, diameter, times, circle, exterior angle, vertical, quadrilateral, oblique, minus, equilateral, inverse angle, isosceles, position, diagonal, ratio, proportion, parallelogram, base, The terms tangent, sum, derivative, extension, space, triangle, assumption, trapezoid, and congruent were all derived by Atatürk. A book that every teacher, every student, even everyone should have in their library. Your admiration for Ataturk will definitely increase.
GeometriMustafa Kemal Atatürk · Özlem Yayınevi · 20121,787 okunma
48 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
Read in 2 hours
This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
Atatürk's much talked about but unread book. Ataturk defined 129 geometry terms in this book. He chose very easy and beautiful words and made the job easier for us. After giving the definition of the terms, he reinforced it with easy examples. Of course, no matter how simple we say it is, there are still people who cannot do it.. our problem Today, most people who praise Atatürk for writing a geometry book have not read the book... Atatürk is a name that is still debated and remains in the conflict of different views. The thing is, these people defend and antagonize their books without reading them. Today, the book "Speech" is read by most of those who claim to know Atatürk. I have not read it because the Speech book is a popular book and is offered for sale with additions, deletions and interventions made upon the publications' own request. If I find one of the first editions of this book one day, I will definitely read it. I think the book to read to get to know Atatürk is "civil information". I had started to read the PDF, but since there were parts written by Atatürk in his own handwriting in the publication of the book, I decided to buy the book and read it... As a result, to talk about Ataturk, one should read the books written by Ataturk himself. One should not be blindly defensive or blindly hostile. I wish our nation could experience every opinion, person or people to their taste... The reason for our current situation is again due to our exaggerated emotions and lack of reading.
GeometriMustafa Kemal Atatürk · Özlem Yayınevi · 20121,787 okunma
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