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Goals!: How to Get Everything You Want Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible

Brian Tracy

Goals!: How to Get Everything You Want Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible Sözleri ve Alıntıları

Goals!: How to Get Everything You Want Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible sözleri ve alıntılarını, Goals!: How to Get Everything You Want Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible kitap alıntılarını, Goals!: How to Get Everything You Want Faster Than You Ever Thought Possible en etkileyici cümleleri ve paragragları 1000Kitap'ta bulabilirsiniz.
The fact is that successful people fail far more often than unsuccessful people. Successful people try more things, fall down, pick themselves up, and try again—over and over again—before they finally win. Unsuccessful people try a few things, if they try at all, and very soon quit and go back to what they were doing before.
Kiməsə qəzəblənmək ona sizin emosiyalarınızı və yekun nəticədə həyatınızı idarə etməsinə imkan verməkdir.
“Əvvəllər malik olmadığınız bir şeyi əldə etmək üçün əvvəllər olmadığınız şəxs olmalısınız.” - Les Braun
Sayfa 118Kitabı okudu
Your problem is to bridge the gap between where you are now and the goals you intend to reach. EARL NIGHTINGALE
"Uğur pilləkanı ilə yuxarı qalxdıqca əmin olun ki, pilləkəni düzgün binaya dayamısınız."
“Cəsarət qorxunun yoxluğu deyil, ona müqavimət göstərmək və idarə etmək bacarığıdır.”
Sayfa 236Kitabı okudu
Serendipity is the process of making happy discoveries along the road of life. Whenever you have a clear goal that you visualize continually and that you are working toward each day, happy, unexpected events and experiences occur in your life, each of which seems to help you to achieve your goals even faster.
Every time you criticize someone else, complain about something you don’t like, or condemn someone else for something that he or she has done or not done, you trigger feelings of negativity and anger within yourself.
The great summary statement of all religions, philosophies, metaphysics, psychology, and success is this: You become what you think about most of the time. Your outer world ultimately becomes a reflection of your inner world. Your outer world of experience mirrors back to you what you think about most of the time. Whatever you think about continuously emerges in your reality.
“İncil”də deyilir: “Təsəvvür olmadıqda insan məhv olur.” Bu o deməkdir ki, gələcəyiniz üçün həyəcanlandıran təsəvvürünüz yoxdursa, motivasiya və entuziazm azlığından gördüyünüz işin içində “məhv” olacaqsınız.
Çox zaman hansısa bir tapşırığın yerinə yetirilməsi üçün başqa bir tapşırıq yerinə yetirilməlidir. Bəzən, kiçik və sadə bir tapşırıq bütün prosesi yubada bilir.
Sayfa 147Kitabı okudu
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