Great Expectations / Stage 5 Books

Charles Dickens
"Pip, I have often thought of you." "Have you?" "Yes,very often." "And you have a place in my heart,too." I said. I took her hands in my mine,and we walked out of the ruined place.I saw no sign of another parting from her.
"I thought about the matter you mentioned me and I want to show you that I am not made of stone. Maybe you believe that there is a heart inside me."
The man looked at Pip disapprovingly and said, "What is a poor waif like you doing in this house?" Pip was hurt at this insult, but answered politely, "Miss Havisham has invited me, sir."
"Dear boy, God bless you," he whispered, as I sat down by the bed. "You never left me even when there was danger. You stayed near me when the dark clouds gathered. This has been the best part of my life."
Joe advised Pip, "You must be friendly with people in your own class. You never fit in with people who are richer and more educated than you are."
İçimden gelen o çığlığı sahiden kopardım mı, yoksa ruhumun çığlığı olarak sessiz mi kaldı?
"İyimser olmak zorundayım," dedi Herbert, "çünkü bu hayatta tutunacak pek de fazla bir şeyim yok."
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