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Bir insana yardım etmenin, bir yaraya merhem olmanın verdiği hazzı başka ne verebilir ki insana?
Zaman zaman hepimizin umutsuzlukları olur, kendimizi beş para etmez, sevilmez, istenilmez biri gibi görebiliriz. Oysa burnumuzun dibindedir mutluluk. İş, onu görmeyi başarmakta. Bazen en olumsuz şey hayatınızda yeni bir sayfa açılmasına sebep olur....
Guzellik bakan gozdeymis. Niyetmis her seyi guzellestiren, olmazlari olduran. Sevgi, acilmayacak sanilan, uzerine kilit vurulan tum kapilarin anahtariymis. Tam da umitsizlige dusmeye ramak kala doguruverirmis gunedi uzerimize Yaradan; parlak ve sicak... Tatli dille, guler yuzle soylenen sozlere doyulmazmis...
Sayfa 103 - Timaş YayinlariKitabı okudu
Bu tahammülsüzlük, bu saygısızlık niye?
Sayfa 117Kitabı okudu
This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
Those who make decisions based solely on people's physical appearances, without trying to know their souls, are of course greatly mistaken. If people print money, they can beautify every part of them. But thank God, aesthetics cannot be done on souls. The beauty of the heart and the beauty of the soul are worth everything... When the people we consider to be the most beautiful in the world start talking, they begin to seem like freaks to us due to their ignorance or ideas, or someone who is not actually very beautiful makes us love them with their sweet words. That's why I destroyed the prejudice and made Einstein happy, so that his soul would be saved from torment. Because what he regrets most is that we cannot eliminate prejudice even though we can split the atom.
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