Güzellik Salonu

Mario Bellatin

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7.2Out of 10
34 People · 7 Review
71 syf.
7/10 puan verdi
Read in 1 hours
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The first novel of Peruvian-Mexican writer Mario Bellatin to be translated into Turkish. The fact that it ranks 19th among the 100 best Spanish books of the last 25 years shows the quality of the book. When a man who owns a beauty salon, who wears women's clothes at night, coincidentally takes care of a man in need of care, other people in need also find themselves like a magnet. Meanwhile, he shows his clinging to life by feeding fish for himself, his customers and his patients. Over time, the number of deaths continues to increase, as if this beauty salon was a Palliative Care center. I liked the fish pictures on the cover of the book and the frequent use of fish in its content. When I woke up every morning, I remembered the fish I watched that died in the aquarium 10-12 years ago. When they died, I didn't want to feed them again for fear that the new fish I would buy would also die. I would also like to thank my brother Cem for donating this book to the hospital library where I work. I wish everyone a good reading.
Güzellik Salonu
Güzellik SalonuMario Bellatin · Notos Yayınları · 201789 okunma
72 syf.
8/10 puan verdi
Read in 1 hours
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It's a very interesting story. Short and somewhat unsettling. The events are told through the eyes of a "narrator who likes to wear women's clothes" who suffers from the disease. The friend turns the beauty salon she once owned into a 'death house', in her own words, by accepting patients with epidemics and those who are certain to die. He also likes to feed fish. The subject is told intertwined with what happens in the death house and the fish in the aquarium. The gloom of the hall, the helplessness of its occupants, the nothingness of death, and social exclusion are etched between the lines. Pisces are the only thing that can keep the mood balanced in this depressing environment. A nice book to read in one sitting.
Güzellik Salonu
Güzellik SalonuMario Bellatin · Notos Yayınları · 201789 okunma
72 syf.
8/10 puan verdi
Read in 1 hours
Kısacık ve çok etkili.. Zaten konu uzun uzadıya anlatmaya çok da müsait değil bence. Öyle zor bir konu ancak bu kadar net ve vurucu olurdu. Üstelil akvaryum ve balık metaforu ile ana kurgunun bütünleşmesi de bence çok başarılıydı. Çok rahatsız edici, sizi gerim gerim gerecek, belki bi kahve içimlik okuyacağınız bir okuma yapayım derseniz buyrunuz Keyifli okumalar. #readingismycardio #aslihanneokudu #okudumbitti #2021okumalarım #okuryorumu #kitaptavsiyesi #neokudum #notoskitap #güzelliksalonu #mariobellatin
Güzellik Salonu
Güzellik SalonuMario Bellatin · Notos Yayınları · 201789 okunma
72 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
Read in 20 hours
This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
Hello everyone, it's a snowy Sunday! I will make a short suggestion and run away with this short yet layered, full book, which is my introduction to Bellatin. A beauty salon... A place where people who live up to its name come to beautify, shine, and be more flamboyant. Yes, maybe so. The only thing he lacks is an aquarium filled with fish that are as lively as himself. Maybe more than one aquarium. Or walls covered with aquariums. Aquariums that remind us how small we are in the world, that you cannot stop looking at, and that remind us that we are beautiful with our diversity. An aquarium full of fish, sometimes swallowing the other, sometimes swaying slowly, sometimes tasked with cleaning up someone's garbage. And again, it depends on a certain system... What would happen to those fish if they didn't have engines that give oxygen? Or what if someone stops loving them? What if one day they lose their splendor? What remains of the beauty salon? What? A port where people take shelter to rest before they die and more. There are many mysteries and details hidden between the pages in this short (!) novel about gender, being an individual, life and death, beauty norms and acceptance in society. I definitely recommend you read it. Among the best of this year Stay with books!
Güzellik Salonu
Güzellik SalonuMario Bellatin · Notos Yayınları · 201789 okunma