Humans: A Brief History of How We F*cked It All Up

Tom Phillips


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« Bilim insanları yakın zamanda, 1950'lerde yaygın plastik kullanımına başladığımızdan bu yana 8.300 milyon tonun üzerinde plastik ürettiğimizi tahmin ediyor. Bunun 6.300 milyon tonunu çöpe attık ve bu şu anda dünya yüzeyinde asılı duruyor. Yaşasın insanlar.» « Scientists recently estimated that since we started the widespread use of plastic in the 1950s, we’ve made over 8,300 million tons of it. Of that, we’ve thrown away 6,300 million tons, which is now just hanging around the surface of the earth. Yay, humans.»
Sayfa 73 - Hanover Square PressKitabı okudu
History is slippery: nobody bothered to write down the vast majority of stuff that happened in it, and lots of the people who did write stuff down might have been mistaken, or mad, or lying, or extremely racist (and frequently a combination of all those things).
« Bildiğimiz şey, tarımın ortaya çıkışından kısa bir süre sonra insanlığın eşitsizliği icat ettiğidir. Aferin millet. Arkeologlar bunu ilk yerleşimlerdeki evlerin boyutlarına bakarak anlayabilirler. Başlangıç olarak aralarında pek bir fark yok. Toplumlar oldukça eşitlikçi görünüyor. Ancak insanların mahsul ekmeye başlamasından sonraki ilk birkaç bin yılda, herkesten çok daha büyük ve gösterişli evlere sahip elit bir tabaka ortaya çıkmaya başlar. » ... " What we do know is that not long after the origin of agriculture, humanity invented inequality. Well done, humans. Archaeologists can tell this by looking at the sizes of houses in early settlements. To begin with, there’s not much difference between them. The societies seem to be fairly egalitarian. But over the first few thousand years after humans began planting crops, an elite starts to emerge who have much larger and fancier houses than everybody else. "
Sayfa 109 - Hanover Square PressKitabı okudu
Keeping animals at close quarters makes it a lot easier for diseases to jump from animals to humans; keeping horses and cows seems to have been linked with the origin of wealth inequality; and the military uses of horses and elephants made war a lot more...warlike.
hitler günümüzde yaşasaydı kesin kısmetse olur izlerdi
Hitler was obsessed with the media and celebrity, and often seems to have viewed himself through that lens. He once described himself as “the greatest actor in Europe,” and wrote to a friend, “I believe my life is the greatest novel in world history.”
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