Cennetle Müjdeli 10 Sahabe - 3

Hz. Osman (R.A.)

Mehmet Yıldız

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HZ Osman
Hz Osman(ra) kendi canını ve malını İslam yolunda harcayan bir sahabe. Onun hayatını anlatmaya tabikide böyle küçük bir kitap yetmeyecektir ama Mehmet Yıldız Hz Osman'ın(ra) hayatından önemli kesitleri alıp her seferinde de kendi güzel yorumlamalarınıda katarak çok güzel bir eser ortaya çıkarmış. Eline emeğine sağlık. Hz Osman'ın(ra) hayatını özet ve hızlı bir şekilde öğrenmek isteyen herkesin okuması gereken bir kitap.
Hz. Osman (R.A.)
Hz. Osman (R.A.)Mehmet Yıldız · Timaş Yayınları · 2023170 okunma
10/10 puan verdi
This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
Just as he spent his life in the cause of Allah, the Prophet also gave his life and property many times for the cause of Allah. Osman(ra) is the noble personality of Mecca and the intelligent merchant of Islam. This distinguished companion, who was insatiable for charity, was the equipper of the difficult army in the Tabuk Expedition. He had the honor of being the son-in-law of the Prophet's (pbuh) house twice and received the nickname "Zinnurayn / Owner of two lights". Hz. was a revelation scribe who wrote very beautifully. Osman(ra) also speaks very eloquently. It is even said that the art of eloquent speech, called talaqat, was inherited from him. This unique beauty, whom the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) described as the second Joseph (as), was extremely chaste as well as beautiful. That's why not only people but even angels are ashamed of him. Your chastity in the streets where indecency is rampant today; We need your ease, truthfulness and trust in trade, where profit, lies and interest are abundant, more than anything else, O Osman (ra)!
Hz. Osman (R.A.)
Hz. Osman (R.A.)Mehmet Yıldız · Timaş Yayınları · 2023170 okunma
80 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
Read in 11 days
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This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
Hz. Osman (ra) often visited graves and cried there. Those who saw this situation said: "O Osman! Why do you visit graves so often and shed tears there? "I heard this hadith from the Messenger of Allah (pbuh), how can I not do it?" he says. "It is the first destination to the afterlife. Whoever passes through here comfortably will also pass comfortably thereafter. If anyone hangs around here, the future will be harder for them. I swear to God, I have seen such scenes in this grave that I have never seen a worse one. (Tirmidhi, Zuhd:5.)
Hz. Osman (R.A.)
Hz. Osman (R.A.)Mehmet Yıldız · Timaş Yayınları · 2023170 okunma