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İbni Sina - Hiç Kimse Görmek İstemeyen Biri Kadar Kör Olamaz

Devrim Yalkut

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128 syf.
5/10 puan verdi
İbn-i Sina deyince akla tıp gelmeli zaten :)
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I wish my review, which I will write after a long time, would be a bit full of praise, but luckily I could not succeed, guys. Anyway, let's get started. The philosophy and biography series of support publications constantly attracted my attention. When I couldn't find one of the two books to buy, I bought
Her İnsan Gördüğü Rüyanın Tabiridir - Sigmund Freud
Her İnsan Gördüğü Rüyanın Tabiridir - Sigmund Freud
(I recommend it to everyone)
İbni Sina - Hiç Kimse Görmek İstemeyen Biri Kadar Kör Olamaz
İbni Sina - Hiç Kimse Görmek İstemeyen Biri Kadar Kör OlamazDevrim Yalkut · Destek Yayınları · 20211,577 okunma
128 syf.
7/10 puan verdi
Read in 18 hours
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I closed the book feeling like I had just left philosophy class. The philosopher this time is Ibn Sina. Although we hear his name in the field of medicine in general, Ibn Sina; He was actually seeing and trying to explain that there was more to the universe than what appeared for those who wanted to see it. He can be said to be a scientist who spent his life enlightening people. Ibn Sina is the person who took the first step towards the discoveries that have become clear today in medicine, astronomy, psychology and many other fields. His genius progress, which started at a young age, continued until the end of his life, and he made many contributions to humanity... I think the religious dimension is discussed too much in the book. I think the most ridiculous and interesting part of some philosophy books is that they include religion too much. It is a beautiful and full book just to get to know Ibn Sina.
İbni Sina - Hiç Kimse Görmek İstemeyen Biri Kadar Kör Olamaz
İbni Sina - Hiç Kimse Görmek İstemeyen Biri Kadar Kör OlamazDevrim Yalkut · Destek Yayınları · 20211,577 okunma
128 syf.
7/10 puan verdi
"Bildim ve anladım ki, hiçbir şey bilinmemiş ve hiçbir şey anlaşılmamıştır." İbni Sina, tıbbın babası olarak bilinen İslam'ın Altın Çağı döneminde yaşamış bir düşünür, astronom, hekim... Bugün tıpta kullanılan birçok aletin, hastalıkların tedavi yollarının, birçok bilimsel gelişmenin mucidi... Kitapta İbni Sina'nın hekim
İbni Sina - Hiç Kimse Görmek İstemeyen Biri Kadar Kör Olamaz
İbni Sina - Hiç Kimse Görmek İstemeyen Biri Kadar Kör OlamazDevrim Yalkut · Destek Yayınları · 20211,577 okunma
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