İnsan Hakları

H. G. Wells

Sözler ve Alıntılar

Tümünü Gör
Ve sonunda kaygıları ve hayal kırıklıkları altında ruhen yıkılarak "tescilli akıl hastası" olup çıkabilir.
Don't wait for leaders. We don't want leaders.
There is no time to lose if that body of constructive opinion is to come into operation. There is no time to waste. Do not wait for ‘leaders’. Act yourself. Spread this idea of world collectivization plus the Rights of Man. We do not want ‘leaders’; we want honest representatives and missionaries to embody that idea and carry it everywhere on earth. In a sane world the idea and the law will dictate, and we shall have no more use for personal dictators and ruling gangs. The politicians will come to heel when they realize that the wind is setting steadily in this quarter of the compass.
Sayfa 129 - Vintage ClassicsKitabı okudu
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