İstiğfârât-ı Münkıze

Abdurrahman Yusuf


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Ey Allâh! Şüphesiz ben, Senin beni nehyettiğin ama benim Sana karşı gelerek işlediğim, Senin beni sakındırdığın ama benim kendisinde israrcı olduğum, Senin bana çirkin gösterdiğin ama nefsimin bana süslediği her bir günah için Senden mağfiret talep ediyorum. İşte ey Rabbim! Efendimiz Muhammed'e ve Efendimiz Muhammed'in Ehl-i Beytine salât-ü selâm eyle ve bereketler ihsân eyle. Ey bağışlayanların en hayırlısı! İşte o günahı da benim için mağfiret eyle.
This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
O Allah! Surely, I ask for forgiveness from You for every sin that invites me to Your wrath, or brings me closer to Your wrath, or inclines me to what You forbid, or keeps me away from what You have invited me to. Here, O my Lord! Send blessings and peace upon our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad, and bestow blessings upon them. O the best of those who forgive! Forgive that sin for me.
Sayfa 22 - Tuana Basın Yayın - 1.Baskı - 2014 - Cuma gününün virdinden
This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
O Allah! Undoubtedly, I ask for forgiveness from You for every sin that, with Your well-being, my body has found strength for it, my strength has reached it because of the abundance of your blessings, my hand has reached out to it because of the abundance of your sustenance, I have been covered from people with your curtain, when I fear you about myself, I have relied on your security, that is why I have reached you. I have trusted that you would not rush to get angry with me, and I have trusted in your goodness and forgiveness regarding that sin. Here, O my Lord! Peace be upon our master Muhammad and the family of our master Muhammad, and bestow blessings upon him. O the best of those who forgive! Forgive that sin for me.
Sayfa 21 - Tuana Basın Yayın - 1.Baskı - 2014
This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
Because the reason for the increase in troubles and the succession of sorrows is the bad luck of sins and the evil of insisting on them.
Ey Allah! Şüphesiz ben, benim unuttuğum, seninse zabdettiğin, benim hafife aldığım, seninse kayda değer gördüğün, benim açıktan işlediğim, seninse benim adıma örttüğün, ama kendisinden sana Tevbe edecek olsam elbette affedecek olduğun her bir günah için senden mağfiret talep ediyorum.
Sayfa 30 - -31 - Tuana Basın Yayın - 1.Baskı
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