Kablolardaki Hayalet

Kevin D. Mitnick

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8Out of 10
39 People · 9 Review
480 syf.
8/10 puan verdi
Read in 55 days
Kablolarda Dolaşmak
Çok terimsel olmasına rağmen güzeldi. En büyük zafiyet insan olduğunu öğrendim. Özellikle telefon şirketlerinin çalışma prensipleri ve sistemlerin açıklarının en büyük keşiflerini gözlemledim. Hatta şirketin önünde duran çöplerden bile bir çok bilgi çıkabilir.
Kablolardaki Hayalet
Kablolardaki HayaletKevin D. Mitnick · Pegasus Yayıncılık · 2015110 okunma
480 syf.
7/10 puan verdi
Read in 4 days
Eğlencelik, ama örnek alınmamalı :)
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Naturally, the technologies described in the book are a bit old, social engineering methods are outdated and precautions have probably been taken in most companies (I haven't tried it, I don't know :)). But it was an engaging and entertaining narrative. It will especially motivate students in the field of computer engineering who are just starting their higher education. However, let me tell you, don't be a black hat hacker, there are better areas of this job :)
Kablolardaki Hayalet
Kablolardaki HayaletKevin D. Mitnick · Pegasus Yayıncılık · 2015110 okunma
480 syf.
6/10 puan verdi
Read in 21 days
Kitabın Yorumu Kitabının kapağına, “Dünyanın en çok aranan hackerı olarak maceralarım” açıklamasını koyan Amerikalı ünlü Hacker Kevin MITNICK’ın, New York Tımes yazarı William SIMON’la birlikte kaleme aldıkları “Kablolardaki Hayalet” adlı eser; MITNICK’ın telefon hatlarında ve bilgisayar sistemlerindeki illegal gezintilerini,
Kablolardaki Hayalet
Kablolardaki HayaletKevin D. Mitnick · Pegasus Yayıncılık · 2015110 okunma
480 syf.
6/10 puan verdi
Read in 17 days
This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
On the cover: "Mitnick describes cracking computer codes as compellingly as bank robberies." This book greets you with a quote and leaves a dark impression: Kevın Mitnick's story continues, starting almost from his birth, by including his family in the flow of events, and reflecting to us the process he went through. A book that people who are interested in technology and the concept of hacker in today's terms should read at least once and add something to themselves.
Kablolardaki Hayalet
Kablolardaki HayaletKevin D. Mitnick · Pegasus Yayıncılık · 2015110 okunma