Kavuran Soğuk

Wolfgang Schorlau
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Could a German soldier returning from the "war on terror" in Afghanistan, with his severe traumas, have engaged in dangerous work? Another brave political detective story from Schorlau. A commissioned sergeant major, who was disorganized after the trauma, became aggressive with tantrums, and received psychiatric treatment after returning from the German army's "duty" in Afghanistan, disappeared. The soldier's wife asks for help from private detective Georg Dengler. It turns out that the sergeant major is also wanted by the police. In contrast, the army does not seem to have much interest in searching for its missing soldier. Meanwhile, some mysterious murders were being committed... In the background of this dark case, the novel looks back at what is "actually" happening in Afghanistan. Elite unit, ambushes... Some caves in Germany and Italy - and the caves of the Taliban... Our detective follows strange connections and clues that force intelligence to work overtime. On the other hand, we follow the private life of detective Dengler, with whom the reader has now become friends, his emotional turmoil and his passionate relationship with his girlfriend... “It is a great thing that there is a crime writer in Germany who takes the injustices in society seriously, instead of praising the 'selfless service' of the police in Germany. That's why the good guys don't win in Kavuran Soğuk either.” Trend (online newspaper), August 2008
Wolfgang Schorlau
Wolfgang Schorlau
Hulki Demirel
Hulki Demirel
Estimated Reading Time: 6 hrs. 12 min.Page Number: 219Publication Date: November 2018Publisher: İletişim Yayınları
ISBN: 9789750525308Country: TürkiyeLanguage: TürkçeFormat: Karton kapak

Comments and Reviews

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219 syf.
9/10 puan verdi
Read in 10 hours
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I'm reading Wolfgang Schorlau for the first time. I read a lot about detective stories and the main idea of ​​the book was in my area of ​​interest anyway. Georg Dengler, the hero of the author's other books, takes the job of a soldier who disappeared while dealing with cases as well as economic difficulties as a former cop/new detective. Although he doesn't care at first, it becomes clear in later times and events that he will have to come to terms with his past.
Kavuran Soğuk
Kavuran SoğukWolfgang Schorlau · İletişim Yayınları · 201833 okunma
219 syf.
Not rated
Kavuran soguk
Yazar baş karakteri Dengler ile çok güzel bir serüvene çıkartıyor. Eski bir polis olan dedektifimiz müşterisinin psikolojik sorunları olan kocasını ararken aslında kendi geçmişi ile yüzleşmek durumunda kalıyor. Farklı bakış açısı ve orjinal kurgusu ile güzel vakit gecirebilecegimiz bir eser kalemine sağlık
Kavuran Soğuk
Kavuran SoğukWolfgang Schorlau · İletişim Yayınları · 201833 okunma
219 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
Read in 29 hours
Afganistandaki terörle savastan dönen bir Alman askeri, agir travmalariyla, tehlikeli islere girmis olabilir mi Schorlaudan yine cesur bir siyas polisiye. Alman ordusunun Afganistandaki görevinden dönüste travma sonrasi daginiklik yasayan, öfke nöbetleriyle saldirganlasan, psikiyatrik tedavi gören bir gedikli bascavus, ortadan kayboluvermistir. Askerin karisi, özel dedektif Georg Denglerden yardim ister. Bascavusun polisce de arandigi ortaya cikar. Buna karsilik ordu, kayip askerini aramakla pek ilgilenmiyor gibidir. O ara, birtakim esrarengiz cinayetler de isleniyordur... Bu karanlik vakanin arka planinda, dönüp dönüp Afganistanda aslinda neler olduguna bakiyor, roman. Elit birlik, pusular... Almanyadaki, Italyadaki birtakim magaralar ve Talibanin magaralari... Dedektifimiz, garip baglantilarin, zekayi fazla mesaiye zorlayan ipuclarinin pesinden gidiyor. Bir yandan da, artik okurun ahbap olmaya basladigi dedektif Denglerin özel hayati, duygu karmasalari, sevgilisiyle tutkulu iliskisinin pesinden... Almanyada polisin adalet ugruna fedakarca hizmetine övgü düzmek yerine, toplumdaki adaletsizlikleri ciddiye alan bir polisiye yazarinin da olmasi harika bir sey. Iste bundan ötürü, Kavuran Sogukta da iyiler kazanmiyor.
Kavuran Soğuk
Kavuran SoğukWolfgang Schorlau · İletişim Yayınları · 201833 okunma
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