Kon-Tiki - Pasifikte 100 Gün

Thor Heyerdahl

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...soon I will have no money left in my pocket.
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Sometimes you find yourself in an awkward situation. You enter this situation gradually and very naturally, but when you find yourself in such a situation, you are suddenly surprised and ask yourself how this happened to you.
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Imagination begins where science ends.
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I am so sure that the Indians crossed the B. Ocean on rafts, that I have decided to cross the B. Ocean by building a raft in the same shape to prove that this is possible.
Gece geç vakit, içimde bir huzursuzluk hissederek uyan­dım.
İnsanların ilgisini bir sefere çekmek, okunmamış bir el yazısına çekmekten daha kolaydır.
23 öğeden 1 ile 10 arasındakiler gösteriliyor.