Türkçe Meâl ve Tefsir

Kur'an Yolu Türkçe Meal ve Tefsir - 2

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The eyes of the envious are blind to the blessings upon them; They cannot see the blessings that Allah has bestowed upon them, but they see the blessings of others and hold grudges against them. Undoubtedly, this is a bad disease. The cure for this disease is to discipline the soul by living the rules of Islam and to turn it from a soul that commands evil to a soul that is content with what Allah has bestowed upon it.
Sayfa 257 - DİB YayınlarıKitabı okudu
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The tribes mentioned in the verse thought that these opportunities were a test and instead of paying attention to the warnings, this abundance was a test for them (blessings that could cause people to increase their sins; for information, see Al-A'raf 7/182). and they were deceived by comfort; "while they were finally spoiled by what they were given" Allah Almighty caught them suddenly.
Sayfa 404 - DİB YayınlarıKitabı okudu
"İnsanlar bir kötülüğü görüp de onu engellemezlerse Allah'ın onlara genel bir azap göndermesi yakındır." (Tirmizî, "Tefsîr", 6; Ebû Dâvûd, "Melâhim", 17 Elmalılı, III, 1825).
Sayfa 350 - DİB YayınlarıKitabı okudu
Gaybın anahtarları Allah’ın yanındadır; onları O’ndan başkası bilmez. O, karada ve denizde ne varsa bilir; O’nun bilgisi dışında bir yaprak bile düşmez. O, yerin karanlıklarındaki tek bir taneyi bile bilir. Yaş ve kuru ne varsa hepsi apaçık bir kitaptadır.
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Allah is sufficient to trust and rely on.
Nisâ Suresi, 171.ayet
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