Kur'an'da Kadın ve Hz.Muhammed'in Hanımları

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Muhammedin baskı ile karısı yaptığı safiyenin sözleri
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“I have never hated anyone in the world as much as I hate him. Because he killed my father, my wife and all my relatives.” According to information in Islamic history, -supposedly- Hz. Muhammed proved to Safiye that he was right (about this war), and she later started to love him. These are all accusations and lies. Because such a 180 degree change cannot occur in humans, it is against human nature. Heyscm? Ibid. 9/25 1 . ..; Taberani. agc. 24/66; Halabi. Ibid. 2/749; İbni Kesir, el-Bidaye ve'i Nihaye. 4/201; Kandehlevi. Havat-ı Sahabe. Terv Ahmet Meylam. 3/306; Bclazun. FUtuhU'l Buldan. 33-39; Salihi, Evani Nebi. 221
Erkeklere arıtma mı takmışlar?
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Hz. One of the grandchildren of Muhammad. Ali's son, Hasan, was married to Hz. Muhammad takes him in his arms. Meanwhile, the child Hz. He urinates on Muhammad's clothes; A woman who was there said to him, "Take off your clothes so I can wash them." When he said, Hz. Muhammad said, “No, this dress does not need to be washed. Because if a breastfeeding child urinates on a piece of clothing, if that child is a boy, only water is poured on that clothing and it is considered clean in this way; If that child is a girl, then that object should be washed well by rubbing it. He makes an incredible statement by answering the following question: "The difference between men and women is also in urine."
"Üzülme,Allah bizimle beraberdir " Hayırlı Cumalar
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Hz. In a speech addressed to men, Muhammad says: "Protect yourselves from women!" Because the first discord among the Israelites comes from women."
"Şayet bir toplum, yönetimini kadına bırakırsa, o toplum iflah olmaz (huzur bulmaz) Tecrid-i Sarih, Diyanet Tere. No: 1660; Buhari, Filen, 18; Megazi, 82; Tirmi-zi. Filen, 75, No:2262; Nesai, Kaza. 8. No:5385; Ahmet bin Hanbel, Müsned. 5/43.
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