Küresel İhtiraslar ve Küresel Kuşatma

Atasoy Müftüoğlu

High Rated Küresel İhtiraslar ve Küresel Kuşatma Reviews

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8.5Out of 10
5 People · 1 Review
148 syf.
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While reading a book, I underline the parts I like and find important. I think this book should have been published with underlining. Atasoy Müftüoğlu is a thinker beyond our time. He presents his ideas on creating awareness around Islamic culture and civilization with magnificent words and sentences. I want everyone to taste this taste...
Küresel İhtiraslar ve Küresel Kuşatma
Küresel İhtiraslar ve Küresel KuşatmaAtasoy Müftüoğlu · Hece Yayınları · 201416 okunma