Kutadgu Bilig

Yusuf Has Hacip

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Her Müslümanın Okuması Gerektiğini Düşündüğüm Kitaplar ve Yazarlar
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Friends, I wanted to share the books that I believe every Muslim should read. You may also have additional books to recommend and authors to add. That's why I expect suggestions from you. Also, if you have read any of the books or authors on the list, I would appreciate it if you could comment positively or negatively on them. This post has been a
Erkekler eş seçerken :
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People who want to get married marry the following four types of women: Rich, beautiful, noble and pious. If the woman you marry is pious, you will have all four things together: If your desire is wealth, she will enrich you by saving. The one with good morals looks beautiful. The beauty and nobility of women. It's his attitude and behavior. That's why your sole criterion in choosing a spouse should be piety.
İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları
#haram #diyanet #midye
Bakara 173.ayet Allah size yalnızca murdar eti, kanı, domuz etini ve Allah’tan başkasının adına kesilmiş olanı haram kıldı. Ama biri zorda kalırsa, haksızlığa sapmadıkça, sınırı aşmadıkça kendisine günah yoktur. Biliniz ki Allah bağışlayan ve esirgeyendir. Maide 3.ayet Murdar hayvan, kan, domuz eti, Allah’tan başkası adına kesilmiş, boğulmuş,
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• It's not a pity for life, it's a pity for labor It's a shame for a life without effort
Dünya klasikleri listesi (İş bankası kültür yayınları)
1) Jane Austen -
Gurur ve Önyargı
Gurur ve Önyargı
2) Novalis -
Geceye Övgüler
Geceye Övgüler
3) Oscar Wilde -
Mutlu Prens - Bütün Masallar, Bütün Öyküler
Mutlu Prens - Bütün Masallar, Bütün Öyküler
4) Hans Christian Andersen -
Seçme Masallar
Seçme Masallar
5) Anonim -
Kerem ile Aslı
Kerem ile Aslı
6) Henry James -
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The ornament of the mind is language, the ornament of language is words The ornament of a person is the face, the ornament of the face is the eyes
Sayfa 42 - Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür YayınlarıKitabı okudu
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