Letter To My Father

Franz Kafka

Oldest Letter To My Father Quotes

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“It was not a matter of any sort of instruction you ought to have given your children, but of an exemplary life.”
“It is, after all, not necessary to fly right into the middle of the sun, but it is necessary to crawl to a clean little spot on Earth where the sun sometimes shines and one can warm oneself a little.”
“Sometimes I imagine the map of the world spread out and you stretched diagonally across it.”
If you sum up your judgment of me, the result you get is that, although you don't charge me with anything downright improper or wicked , you do charge me with coldness, estrangements and ingratitude.
You can treat a child only in the way you yourself are constituted, with vigor, noise, and hot temper, and in this case such behavior seemed to you to be also most appropriate because you wanted to bring me up to be a strong, brave boy.
What I would have needed was a little encouragement, a little friendliness, a little keeping open of my road, instead of which you blocked it for me, though of course with the good intention of making me take another road.....But I was not fit for that.
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