Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence

Life 3.0

Max Tegmark

Life 3.0 Sözleri ve Alıntıları

Life 3.0 sözleri ve alıntılarını, Life 3.0 kitap alıntılarını, Life 3.0 en etkileyici cümleleri ve paragragları 1000Kitap'ta bulabilirsiniz.
Three Stages of Life
In other words, we can think of life as a self-replicating information processing system whose information (software) determines both its behavior and the blueprints for its hardware.
Three Stages of Life
The three stages of life: biological evolution, cultural evolution and technological evolution. Life 1.0 is unable to redesign either its hardware or its software during its lifetime: both are determined by its DNA, and change only through evolution over many generations.
What is Intelligence
The rise can be driven by machines improving machines, potentially much faster than humans could have done.
Three Stages of Life
In contrast, Life 2.0 can redesign much of its software: humans can learn complex new skills -for example languages, sports, and professions- and can fundamentally update their worldview and goals.
If we don't know what we want, we're unlikely to get it.
Intelligence Explosion
The first ultra intelligent machine is the last invention that man need to make, provided that the machine is docile enough to tell us how to keep it under control.
Irving J. Good, 1965
Three Stages of Life
Such bacteria are an example of what l’ll call Life 1.0: life where both the hardware and software are evolved rather than designed. You and l, on the other hand, are examples of Life 2.0: life whose hardware is evolved, but whose software is largely designed. You weren’t able to perform any of those tasks when you were born, so all this software got programmed into your brain later through the process we call learning.
Stargazers from Carl Sagan's Pale Blue Dot
Thirteen point eight billion years after its birth, our Universe has awoken and become aware of itself. From a small blue planet, a tiny conscious parts of our Universe have begun gazing out into the cosmos with telescopes, repeatedly discovering that everything they thought existed is merely a small part of something grander: a solar system, a galaxy, ... clusters and superclusters. ...
"Technology is giving life the potential to flourish like never before --- or to self destruct." [Future of Life Institute]
Sayfa 22 - Allen Lane (Penguin Books)Kitabı okuyacak
Matter Turns Intelligent
Hydrogen..., given enough time, turns into people.
Edward Robert Harrison, 1995
In fact, the main concern of the beneficial-AI movement isn’t with robots but with intelligence itself: specifically, intelligence whose goals are misaligned with ours. Intelligence enables control: humans control tigers not because we’re stronger but because we’re smarter.
Three Stages of Life
After 13,8 billion years of cosmic evolution, development has accelerated dramatically here on Earth: Life 1.0 arrived about 4 billion years ago, Life 2.0 (we humans) arrived about a hundred millennia ago and many AI researchers think that Life 3.0 may arrive during the coming century, perhaps even during our lifetime, spawned by progress in AI.
Three Stages of Life
Life 3.0, which doesn’t yet exist on Earth, can dramatically redesign not only its software, but its hardware as well, rather than having to wait for it gradually evolve over generations.
Zaman geçtikçe ve yolda belli başlı ayrımlara ulaştıkça, temel soruları cevaplamaya ve seçenekleri azaltmaya başlayacağız. İik büyük soru, "Insan seviyesi YGZ'yi yaratabilecek miyiz?" sorusudur. Bu bölümün önermesi yaratacağiımızı iddia eder ancak asla olmayacağını, en azından yüzlerce yıl süreceğini düşünen YZ uzmanları da vardır. Buna zaman karar verecek! Daha önce de hahsettiğim gibl Porto Riko Konferansı'ndaki YZ uzmanlarının yaklaşık yarısı bunun 2055 yılına kadar olacağını tahmin ettiler. iki yıl sonrasında organize ettiğimiz devam konferansında bu tarih 2047'ye gelmişti.
Because of its intuitive creative aspects, GO is viewed more as an art form than just another game. It was considered one of the four essential arts in ancient China, together with painting, calligraphy and qin music, and it remains hugely popular in Asia.
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