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Lothair was a late novel by Benjamin Disraeli, the first he wrote after his first term as Prime Minister. It deals with the comparative merits of the Catholic and Anglican churches as heirs of Judaism, and with the topical question of Italian unification. Though Lothair was a hugely popular work among 19th century readers, it now to some extent lies in the shadow of the same author's Coningsby and Sybil. Lothair reflects anti-Catholicism of the sort that was popular in Britain, and which fueled support for Italian unification ("Risorgimento").
314 sayfa · İlk Yayın Tarihi: 1870

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Benjamin Disraeli
Benjamin DisraeliYazar · 0 kitap
Benjamin Disraeli, Britanyalı politikacı ve 19. yüzyıl'da birçok kez Birleşik Krallık başbakanı olmuş devlet adamı. Yahudi asıllıdır. 19. yüzyıl'ın ikinci yarısında Britanya siyasetinin, Liberal Partili William Gladstone ile birlikte en önemli ismiydi.
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