Made You Up

Francesca Zappia

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“No, you’re not a bad person,” he said. “And Richter isn’t a bad person, and I’m not a bad person. We’re just people, and people sometimes do stupid things.”
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Made You Up
Made You UpFrancesca Zappia · Greenwillow Books · 2017414 okunma
Are you okay? is probably one of the top five stupidest questions ever. Ninety-nine percent of the time, it’s easier to use a tiny bit of common sense.
Sayfa 153Kitabı okudu
“Meet anyone interesting?” “Everyone’s interesting if you stare at them long enough.”
He stared at the highway, then said with disgust, “I hate dogs. Cats are so much better.”
Sayfa 173 - Love u MilesKitabı okudu
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