Maneviyatı Yükselten İlkeler

İmam Gazali

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8.5Out of 10
12 People · 3 Review
216 syf.
7/10 puan verdi
Read in 6 days
Gazali çok güzel bilgiler içeren, kitabın adının hakkını veren bir kitap yazmış. Ancak kitabı İslam hakkında belli bir bilgiye sahip insanların okumasının doğru olduğunu düşünüyorum. Ben kitabı fazla olmayan bilgimle biraz zorlanarak okudum ve kitabın hakkını verebildiğimi düşünmüyorum. Okumak isteyenler dikkatle okumalarını tavsiye ederim.
Maneviyatı Yükselten İlkeler
Maneviyatı Yükselten İlkelerİmam Gazali · Çelik Yayınevi · 202341 okunma
216 syf.
9/10 puan verdi
This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
Person; He gets closer to heaven with the things that Allah Almighty likes, that is, with obedience and worship, and gets closer to Allah by remembering Allah. The most important factor is that he submits to His commands and prohibitions. Forget about material things, let's raise our spirituality a little.
Maneviyatı Yükselten İlkeler
Maneviyatı Yükselten İlkelerİmam Gazali · Çelik Yayınevi · 202341 okunma
216 syf.
9/10 puan verdi
This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
Nowadays, there is a bitter truth that the importance of material things has replaced our spirituality. Nowadays, it has become an absolute fact that the most frequently asked questions in our conversations while getting to know each other and shopping are about materiality rather than spirituality, and that people are classified and valued accordingly. We are losing things or our values ​​day by day and unfortunately, we cannot realize the facts as if we were drugged. We forget that there is death and what really needs to be questioned is our spirituality. Perhaps this work will remind us of the truth. Enjoyable reading, everyone.
Maneviyatı Yükselten İlkeler
Maneviyatı Yükselten İlkelerİmam Gazali · Çelik Yayınevi · 202341 okunma