Markopaşa Yazıları ve Ötekiler

Sabahattin Ali

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226 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
İnsanlara İnanmak
Sabahattin Ali’nin 1946-47 yıllarında Markopaşa-Malumpaşa-Merhumpaşa adıyla,Aziz Nesin ve bir başka yazarla beraber çıkardıkları siyasi mizah haftalık dergisinde kültür, eğitim,siyaset ve gündem hakkında görüş ve fikirlerinin yayınladığı,Hikmet Altınkaynak tarafından yazılarının derlenerek okura takdim edildiği kitap.(şu toplu taşımada cep
Markopaşa Yazıları ve Ötekiler
Markopaşa Yazıları ve ÖtekilerSabahattin Ali · Yapı Kredi Yayınları · 19982,364 okunma
226 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
You need to read Sabahattin Ali carefully. He is the right man of every era. "Finally, one day, bigotry, black power, green turban and reactionism really came back. But not in Menemen, not among the people they want to hinder... In Ankara and among themselves. We are in the middle of the twentieth century (we are in the 21st century). Reactionism, which raises its voice day by day, shouts: "Let's separate girls' schools from boys' schools. Let's not admit female students to village institutes." (As if they could separate women from men in the fields and factories.) "Let's teach religious knowledge so that our corrupt morality can be corrected." (As if there was anything left in their morality that could be improved by religion.) ......the more this nation is drugged, the more safely they will eat their own undeserved bread. Markopaşa writings are articles in which the problems of every period of this country are explained and their solutions are provided. That's why Sabahattin Ali is a great writer, and the politicians of the period are bloodsucking anonymous people who are worthless. Governments are always afraid of a bright future. Hoping for a bright future where those who read books will achieve this...
Markopaşa Yazıları ve Ötekiler
Markopaşa Yazıları ve ÖtekilerSabahattin Ali · Yapı Kredi Yayınları · 19982,364 okunma
226 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
Read in 6 days
Dünden bugüne basın tarihi
This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
Markopaşa newspaper is a newspaper opposed to the government that was published weekly between 1947 and 1948. The chief writer of the newspaper is ##$##yazarSeolar:i289.$$#$$ Sabahattin Ali writes these articles either anonymously or under another name. The most important name among the other writers of the newspaper is ##$##yazarSeolar:i347.$$#$$ In those days, we were in as bad a situation as the countries that entered the war after World War II. There are three valid forms of government in the world. One is communism led by Soviet Russia, the other is fascism led by Germany, and the last one is imperialism centered on the USA and England. The war is over, the fascist bloc has been defeated and the countries of the world are preparing for their new roles. Since we will not side with the irreligious communists (!), we side with the USA, that is, the imperialists. Our brothers of that time are calling back the imperialist powers that we threw into the sea just 20 years ago, by rolling out red carpets in front of them. We may not have learned any lessons from history, because these forces are occupying us economically this time. Markopaşa was the only opposition newspaper of those days. Markopasha's printing houses are raided, his newspapers are not distributed, they are protested, their writers are arrested, and even other things... Do not see the history of the articles Sabahattin Ali wrote in those years, they are still valid today. Years change, the problems remain the same. Finally, in this book you can find Sabahattin Ali's writings on markopaşa and its derivatives. When you read those articles, you will see how patriotic he was. I think it's better to know him this way. Beyond recommending, be sure to read..
Markopaşa Yazıları ve Ötekiler
Markopaşa Yazıları ve ÖtekilerSabahattin Ali · Yapı Kredi Yayınları · 19982,364 okunma
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