Mavi Karanlık

Vedat Türkali

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448 syf.
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Read in 8 days
Ölümün Kol Gezdiği Sokaklardan Bodrum'un Sakin Limanlarına Kaçış
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Hello everyone, Vedat Türkali's books that I have read so far generally had a left-wing story that focused on Turkey's political history. Even though he is not completely objective, Türkali is an author who tries to preserve this as much as he can and critically reflects the right-left movements, which we can call two sides, in his books. In this book, the author takes us to the days before the military coup of September 12, 1980, which was a reality in Turkey. With one difference, this time we are not in Istanbul or Ankara, but this time in the Bodrum-Gökova side of Muğla. The events and threats that intensified before the coup cause our main characters to be thrown to the Aegean coast, which is a kind of father's home. Of course, the destination is Bodrum. This was perhaps a place of escape for many so-called intellectuals at that time. Here, our main characters and a crowd of people from many professions follow the political developments in Turkey. The conflict, contradictions and gaps between the intellectuals and the people are the main conflict point of the book. In fact, we can perhaps say that it constitutes the core idea that leads to the main idea of ​​the book. I think it is a good recommendation for those who like this type of books.
Mavi Karanlık
Mavi KaranlıkVedat Türkali · Everest Yayınları · 20141,344 okunma
448 syf.
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Read in 14 days
Bodrum’da 80’lerde geçen hikaye, mütemadiyen iç sıkıntısı, belirsiz duygularla dolu iç konuşmalar ve dönemin siyasi karmaşası içinde debelenen bir kuşağın oldukça detaylı betimlemelerle bezeli, boğucu anlatımı. Vedat Türkali okumaya başlamak için doğru kitap olduğunu sanmıyorum.
Mavi Karanlık
Mavi KaranlıkVedat Türkali · Everest Yayınları · 20141,344 okunma
448 syf.
9/10 puan verdi
Uzun süredir inceleme yazmıyordum içimden geldi bu kitap için yazacağım çünkü buradaki bilgiye göre sitede bu kitabı okuyan sayısı az. Roman '80 darbesi öncesinde, ancak olayların alevlendiği bir zaman diliminde geçiyor. Nergis, üniversitede araştırmacı olan erkek arkadaşı Korhan'ı korumak için Ankara'dan kaçırıp uzun yıllardır ailecek tatile
Mavi Karanlık
Mavi KaranlıkVedat Türkali · Everest Yayınları · 20141,344 okunma
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