
René Descartes

Meditasyonlar Sözleri ve Alıntıları

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ikinci meditasyon
"şimdi ille de doğru olmayan hiçbir şeyi kabul etmiyorum: öyleyse ben, kesin olarak söylersek, sadece düşünen bir şeyim; yani bir zihin'im (esprit), müdrikeyim (entendement) ya da bir akılım (raison); ama bunlar önceden bana yabancı olan terimler. oysa ben gerçek ve gerçekten var olan bir şeyim, iyi de nasıl bir şey? söylediğim gibi, düşünen bir şeyim."
But all this While there is rooted in my mind a certain old opinion of the being of an Omnipotent God, by whom I am created in the state I am in; and how know I but he caused that there should be no Earth, no Heaven, no Body, no Figure, no Magnitude, no Place, and yet that all these things should seem to me to be as now they are? And as I very often judge others to Erre about those things which they think they Throughly understand, so why may not I be deceived, whenever I add two and three, or count the sides of a Square, or whatever other easy Matter can be thought of?
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yet nevertheless we must of necessity confess the more simple and universal things to be True, of which (as of true Colours) these Images of things (whether[6] true or false) which are in our minds are made; such as are the nature of a body in General, and its Extension, also the shape of things extended, with the quantity or bigness of them; their number also, and place wherein they are, the time in which they continue, and the like, and therefore from hence we make no bad conclusion, that Physick, both Natural, and Medicinal, Astronomy, and all other sciences, which depend on the consideration of compound things, are Doubtful. But that Arithmetick, Geometry, and the like (which treat only of the most simple, and General things not regarding whether they really are or not) have in them something certain and undoubted; for whether I sleep or wake, two and three added make five; a square has no more sides than four &c. neither seems it possible what such plain truths can be doubted off.
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