Minimal Selfhood and the Origins of Consciousness

Rupert Glasgow
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In Minimal Selfhood and the Origins of Consciousness, R.D.V. Glasgow seeks to ground the logical roots of consciousness in what he has previously called the 'minimal self'. The idea is that elementary forms of consciousness are logically dependent not, as is commonly assumed, on ownership of an anatomical brain or nervous system, but on the intrinsic reflexivity that defines minimal selfhood. The aim of the book is to trace the logical pathway by which minimal selfhood gives rise to the possible appearance of consciousness. It is argued that in specific circumstances it thus makes sense to ascribe elementary consciousness to certain predatory single-celled organisms such as amoebae and dinoflagellates as well as to some of the simpler animals. Such an argument involves establishing exactly what those specific circumstances are and determining how elementary consciousness differs in nature and scope from its more complex manifestations.
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Yazar Hakkında

Rupert Glasgow
Rupert GlasgowYazar · 1 kitap
Rupert D.V. Glasgow, kurumsal olarak bağımsız bir tercüman, filozof ve yazardır. Glasgow, İngiltere'nin Oxford şehrindeki St. John's College'da Fransızca ve Almanca okudu. Almanca'dan İngilizce'ye çevirileri arasında Martin Heidegger'in karısına mektupları var.
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