The Dreamer Trilogy, #2

Mister Impossible

Maggie Stiefvater

Mister Impossible Sözleri ve Alıntıları

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"A human child believes all things are possible. How wonderful. How terrifying. Slowly, you are taught what you cannot have. What will not be possible. What you do not have to fear. There is no monster in the closet. You cannot fly. How relieving. How disappointing. But this is the world, isn’t it? You believe it. You believe it so thoroughly that even when the box is lifted from around you, you continue to travel in circles no bigger than its walls."
She laughed with delight, and he memorized the sound.
This was perhaps what Declan liked the best about all of this, about Jordan Hennessy: She could handle herself. He’d never had anyone in his life who didn’t need him to manage, guard, chastise, protect. He’d never had an equal—he’d never even known he wanted an equal, and now that she was there, he liked it.
18 öğeden 16 ile 18 arasındakiler gösteriliyor.