Moby Dick Reviews

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736 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
Read in 6 days
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Moby Dick White Whale In my opinion, this novel is among the best novels ever written. First of all, the novel is far ahead of its time. It is one of the first examples of the postmodern novel, which is still not understood and loved very much. Technically, it is a novel with today's technique. It is a novel that has no prescription and that each reader will enjoy and interpret differently, and even those who read it again will find different meanings and flavors. The effect on me was like this. This is a long poem-novel, I got that taste while reading it. Think of a 700-page poem, exquisite. On the other hand, I read a wonderful sea story; It is a story in which sea, ship, hunt, hunter, life, death, passion, everything plays a role in order. On the other hand, I read a whale encyclopedia. On the other hand, I read an allegorical, symbolic and imaginary novel in which religious motifs were abundant. In the case of Moby Dick, the symbols in particular changed constantly; Sometimes it was self, sin, devil, sometimes it was fate, sometimes Moby Dick was God, sometimes it was colonialism and bourgeoisie, sometimes it was mother nature. I played incredible games in my head. I believe that each reader will look at it from different perspectives. In my opinion, man's never-ending movement with himself, sin, God and the devil, which begins with creation, is the essence of this book. It was a great reading experience for me. I recommend it to everyone.
Moby Dick
Moby DickHerman Melville · Yapı Kredi Yayınları · 20215.7k okunma
728 syf.
8/10 puan verdi
Read in 6 days
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Today I came with a classic that is known as a difficult book, that people who start reading it generally get bored of, and that I have not seen recommended much. The first day I started reading this 720-page book, I read 210 pages. If it had been a book that forced me, whose language was incomprehensible and tiring, I would not have been able to read so many pages from the first minute I picked it up. At the beginning of the story, when Ishmael and his boarding of the Pequod ship were described, everything was very fluid. But then you start reading such deep information and details that the book starts to get stuck. You're starting to get a taste of a documentary. If you expect the fluency of a novel at this point, I think the book will get stuck and won't progress. For this reason, I continued reading as if I were reading an informative text. My reading speed slowed down, but I continued reading with pleasure. The captain of the ship, Ahab, and his story full of ambition and revenge inevitably keep you alive and you continue reading with curiosity. I'm sure you will be excited by Ahab's oaths to kill Moby Dick and his expectation that everyone will support him, and Starbuck's opposition to all this, as a person who has adopted the Christian faith, as the second captain of the ship. When you close the cover of the book, you will feel that you are actually reading a much deeper text, nature's struggle with man and man's helplessness in the face of nature. Finally, if I had to sum up, I would say do not pass without reading this book, which explains every aspect of the sea and whaling and makes you feel like you are experiencing every detail while reading.
Moby Dick
Moby DickHerman Melville · Can Yayınları · 20225.7k okunma
736 syf.
Not rated
Read in 9 days
Amerikan Edebiyatı klasiklerinden Moby Dick, önsözde Mina Urgan’ın da belirttiği gibi çok zengin bir kitap: “gerçekçi bir macera romanı, balinalarla ilgili bilimsel bir inceleme, bir deniz destanı, balina avıyla ilgili teknik bir yapıt ve bir tragedya”. Romanın gerçekten çok sağlam bir alt metni var. Melville, ekonomik zorluklarla geçen hayatında, mitolojiden siyaset felsefesine birçok alanda çok okumuş, derin bir bilgi birikimine sahip ve inançlar, kötülük, Tanrı, din, felsefe, siyaset gibi birçok konu üzerine çok düşünmüş. Moby Dick’te de balina avına çıkan kaptan Ahab ve Pequod gemisinin başından geçenler ve balinalarla ilgili bilgilerin arka planında bize bunları aktarmaya çalışmış. Metaforlar hayranlık uyandıracak nitelikte. Ama Moby Dick’in nasıl bir okuma olacağı biraz okuyucuya bağlı; salt bir macera romanı gibi de okuyabilirsiniz (ki aslında bu bence birçok şeyi kaçırmak olur), Melville’in anlatmaya çalıştıkları üzerinde durup düşünerek de okuyabilirsiniz (ki bu durumda biraz zaman ve emek isteyen bir okuma olduğunu söyleyebilirim). Mutlaka herkesin okuması gereken bir eser olduğunu düşünüyorum.
Moby Dick
Moby DickHerman Melville · Yapı Kredi Yayınları · 20215.7k okunma
562 syf.
8/10 puan verdi
Read in 1 hours
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The chase between Captain Ahap and the whale actually tells the story of the struggle between man and nature. The tensions between the captain and his crew describe the turmoil between man and society and the struggle of man in society. The captain himself symbolizes despotic dictators and tyrant rulers. Somehow, I was always worried about the whale in the book. His hunting and being caught was a situation I did not want throughout the book. I can say that today's no-kill campaigns for whales are a movement that I support even more after reading this book.
Moby Dick
Moby DickHerman Melville · Cem Yayınevi · 19895.7k okunma
608 syf.
9/10 puan verdi
Read in 4 days
Məncə, spoiler var!
Bu kitab pis deyildi. Kiməsə və ya nəyəsə şiddətli dərəcədə kin və nifrət bağlamağın sonda sənə zərərinin olduğunu bildirdiyini düşünürəm. Nəticədə gəminin kapitanı zövq üçün Mobi Diki ovlayarkən Mobi Dikdə özünü müdafiə etmək istəyərkən gəminin kapitanı ayağını itirmişdi. Ona görə də bir heyvana bu səbəbdən kin bağlamaq və nifrət bəsləmək heç də məntiqli deyildi.
Mobi-DikHerman Melville · Şərq Qərb · 20115.7k okunma
292 syf.
8/10 puan verdi
Kaptan Ahab tarafından öldürümek istenen beyaz balina "Moby Dick" Su gibi akıp giden kısa kısa hikayelerden oluşan bir bütün eseri. Kitapta en ağır basan anlatım üçüncü kişi ağzıyla anlatım tarzı olmasıydı. Böyle anlatıma her zaman rastlanmıyor, beni en cezbeden tarafı bu oldu. Sevilesi bir anlatım tarzı şahsen. Hikayeye gelirsek gerçek yaşanmış bir efsaneye göre uyarlanmış.Kaptan Ahab'ın bacağını koparan Moby Dick, Ahab'ın hırsı yüzünden canlarından olan mürettebat. Zamanında bu kadar çok balina avcılığı yapılmış olması ve balinaların o zamanki döneme göre azalmış olması gayet ve gayet normal. Buna sinirlenmemek elde değil. Hem kendi canını riske atmak ve paranı çarçur etmek için balina avcılığı yapmak hayatını unutmuş olmak gerekir. Beyaz balinanın verdiği sonda herkesin beklediği gibi bitmemesi doğayla kavga etmememiz gerektiğini büyük bir şekildir. Doğa her zaman vahşi olmuştur.
Moby Dick
Moby DickHerman Melville · Yapı Kredi Yayınları · 20215.7k okunma
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