Ölünün Gözleri

Mahmut Yesari

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8.6Out of 10
5 People · 2 Review
210 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
Read in 25 days
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I am happy to finish another book today, but at the same time, I feel sad that a world of mine has closed. Since every book means a world to me, my world ends when it is finished. As for the book, if I were to find a definition for it, I would call it a book of "interest" league. We can vary these by saying that the characters always looked out for their own benefit, kept silent when necessary, and teamed up with criminals when necessary... It is a book that draws you into its world when you read it, and its language is understandable because it is simple. I hope I could encourage you to read it. Then the rest is up to you. I wish you happy reading.
Ölünün Gözleri
Ölünün GözleriMahmut Yesari · Çolpan Yayınevi · 201831 okunma
210 syf.
Not rated
This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
A book that draws you in as you read it. The language is simple and understandable. The story of people who see nothing in the world but money and can do anything for their own benefit...
Ölünün Gözleri
Ölünün GözleriMahmut Yesari · Çolpan Yayınevi · 201831 okunma