Paris Bir Şenliktir

Ernest Hemingway


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Bir öyküyü bitirince hep bomboş hissederdim kendimi. Yarı mutlu, yarı mutsuz, sanki sevişmişim gibi.
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Poverty does not affect those who do their job and are happy with their job.
Sayfa 60 - Bilgi Yayınevi 3. BaskıKitabı okudu
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Then I realized that everything, good or bad, leaves behind a void when it ends.
Sayfa 70 - Bilgi Yayınevi 3. BaskıKitabı okudu
Her günümü...
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The only thing that could ruin your day was people...
Sayfa 59 - Bilgi Yayınevi 3. BaskıKitabı okudu
Okumayı bırakma!
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There may be things that he does not realize when he reads the story or novel, but these enter his memory and life without him knowing and become a part of his life.
Sayfa 219 - Bilgi Yayınevi 3. BaskıKitabı okudu
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