Peygamberler Tarihi (2 Cilt Takım)

M. Asım Köksal


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Silence is Wisdom. But those who remain silent are very few.
Sayfa 529 - Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı Yayınları - Ahmed b.Hanbel Ezzehüd(132), Ibn Abd Rabbih Ikdülferid(2 471), Salebi Arais(279), Hakim Müstedrek(2 423)Kitabı okudu
Dünyayı Nasıl Buldun?
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Noah Aleyhiselama, when his death was approaching: "O Ebul-Basher and O long-lived! How did you find the world?" was asked. Prophet Noah: He said, "I found it like a house with two doors. I entered from one door and exited from the other!"
Sayfa 106 - Ibn Abd Rabbih Ikdulferid(3 173), Salebi Arais(60) Ibn Esir Kamil(1 73),Mir Havend Ravzatussafa Terceme(136)Kitabı okudu
İnsanlarda uygulamalı
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Almighty Allah, Shamuyel Aleyhiselama; He revealed through Revelation that Allah favors people not according to their appearance, but according to the goodness and honesty of their hearts.
Sayfa 517 - Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı Yayınları - Taberi Tarih(1 247), Salebi Arais(270), Mir Havend Ravzatussafa Terceme(304)Kitabı okudu
Orucu Anlamak
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Prophet Yusuf (a.s.) did not eat to his heart's content during the days of famine. "Why are you hungry and not fed when you have the treasures of the earth in your hands?" When it is said: "I'm afraid that if I'm full, I'll forget about the hungry." he would say.
Sayfa 297 - Türkiye Diyanet Vakfı Yayınları - Salabi Arais(129), Ebülferec İbn Cevzi Tabsıra(180), İbn Kuteybe Uyuyulahbar (2 404), Hazin Tefsir(3 27), Hazın(3 27)Kitabı okudu
Cennete fidan dikmeyi çoğaltalım
İbrahim Aleyhisselâm, Peygamberimiz Aleyhisselâma: "Ümmetine, benden, selâm söyle! Onlara, emret!Haber ver de Cennet'e, fidan dikmeyi, çoğaltsınlar!Çünkü, Cennet'in toprağı, güzel , suyu, tatlı, arzı, geniş ve düzlüktür!" dedi. Peygamberimiz Aleyhisselâm: Cennet'e dikilecek Fidan, nedir?" diye sordu İbrahim Aleyhisselâm: "Cennet'e dikilecek fidan: Sübhanallahi velhamdü lilläåhi velå ilahe illallahü vallâhü ekber , Lå havle velå kuvvete illå billah'dır!" dedi.
Sayfa 228
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