Popüler Kültür ve Orhan Gencebay Arabeski

Meral Özbek


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As Ross-Haag said, when a cultural product begins to appeal to average tastes, it begins to lose its individuality, originality and spontaneity, while gaining access to society and being cheap due to its sales advantage. (1957:178)
Sayfa 122 - İletişimKitabı okudu
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The rural population, caught between tradition and modernity, clings tightly to their traditional values ​​and feels that they cannot "integrate". He is trying to adapt to the city. Arabesque, the cultural product of this segment, is an expression of a cultural crisis that reflects the crisis of social transition.
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"Orhan Gencebay, who is seen as the father of arabesque music, rejects this title and calls himself the 'voice of the people'." defines it as. 'I didn't make arabesque, arabesque made me' says."
Popüler kültürün "yoz" değil de "halka ait" bir kültür olduğu inancı, yakından ya da içeriden bakıp somut insanları, ilişkilerini, dillerini tüm çelişkileriyle görmekle başlıyor herhalde.
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