Psych 101

Paul Kleinman

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Psychology is the study of mental and behavioral processes. Essentially, those who work in the field of psychology try to give meaning to the questions, “What makes you tick?” and “How do you see the world?” These very simple ideas encompass many diferrent and complicated topics, including emotions, thought processes, dreams, memories, perception, personality, illness, and treatment.
The conscious contains thoughts, perceptions, and everyday cognition.
Pavlov’s Dog Experiment and Psychology
Even though he is most well known in popular culture for his famous dogs, the importance of Pavlov’s research goes far beyond the production of saliva. His revelations on conditioning and learned responses have played a major role in understanding behavioral modication in humans, and in advancing the treatment of such mental health issues as panic disorders, anxiety disorders, and phobias.
Though a person might not realize it, groups have a very powerful and dramatic effect on human behavior.
In essence, the idea of classical conditioning is simply learning something by association.
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