Record of Ragnarök #3

Takumi Fukui

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189 syf.
8/10 puan verdi
1 saatte okudu
4/5 Stars (%80/100) I really liked it in general. The fight between Adam and Zeus comes to an end at the beginning of this volume. I have to say it is much better in the manga compared to the anime. I almost cried because I really liked Adam's character. After that, the third fight is between Poseidon who is described as stronger and crueler than even Zeus, and Sasaki Kojiro a famous swordsman with the greatest loser as his title. I'm super curious about this new fight as I knew Kojiro before, and I especially liked him in the Fate series as well.
Record of Ragnarök #3
Record of Ragnarök #3Takumi Fukui · ノース・スターズ・ピクチャーズ · 201911 okunma
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