Riyazü's Salihin

İmam Nevevi

Riyazü's Salihin Reviews

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997 syf.
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A very special person gave me this book as a gift many years ago. Of course, I only have one skin. God bless you.... The importance of hadiths in our religion is very great, our understanding is very low, I think we should accept this and focus more on hadiths. The explanations and examples given for us must be very valuable... It has been my favorite hadith book so far.
Riyazü's Salihin (8 Cilt Takım)
Riyazü's Salihin (8 Cilt Takım)İmam Nevevi · Erkam Yayınları · 20163,137 okunma
1472 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
Her evde bulunması gereken kitap…
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Riyazü's Salihin (3 Cilt Takım)
Riyazü's Salihin (3 Cilt Takım)
is one of the first recommended books for those looking for a hadith book. In these times when attempts are made to trivialize the hadiths of our Prophet, we, as Muslims, need to hold on to the hadiths even more. We need to increase hadith readings. When I started researching a book to start reading hadith, I came across
Riyazü's Salihin (3 Cilt Takım)
Riyazü's Salihin (3 Cilt Takım)
, the book of
İmam Nevevi
İmam Nevevi
, which most teachers insistently recommend.
İmam Nevevi
İmam Nevevi
collected the hadiths of our Prophet under headings according to the subject of the hadiths.
İmam Nevevi
İmam Nevevi
He took care to collect authentic hadiths. He gave a lot of space to the mutawatir hadith (there is no doubt that that hadith was said by the Prophet).
Nureddin Yıldız
Nureddin Yıldız
as he said
Riyazü's Salihin (3 Cilt Takım)
Riyazü's Salihin (3 Cilt Takım)
I really liked the saying that those who read and apply properly become "micro companions", so to speak.
Riyazü's Salihin (3 Cilt Takım)
Riyazü's Salihin (3 Cilt Takım)
is a set of 8 original volumes in total. Different publishing houses have different volumes. My choice was Diyanet. Diyanet publications have reduced the average hadith book from 8 volumes to 3 volumes and the price is very affordable. The explanations of the hadiths are not in the book of the Religious Affairs Directorate. There are only titles and hadiths underneath. Our teacher
Nureddin Yıldız
Nureddin Yıldız
has Riyazus Salih's lessons on his own channel on the YouTube platform and has continued them in the form of a series, and videos are still being uploaded. I bought the book from Diyanet Publishing House and read it on YouTube with our teacher ##$##yazarSeolar:i2365.$$#$$ Every person who says he is a Muslim needs to know hadith. There is no Islam without hadith. That's why I tried to explain
Riyazü's Salihin (3 Cilt Takım)
Riyazü's Salihin (3 Cilt Takım)
as much as I could to those who said they wanted to study hadith. You are entrusted to God...
Riyazü's Salihin (3 Cilt Takım)
Riyazü's Salihin (3 Cilt Takım)İmam Nevevi · Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı Yayınları · 20133,137 okunma
879 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
Read in 56 days
İmam Nevevi (Allah Ondan razı olsun)
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“But as for those who believe and do good deeds; Their Lord guides them to the right path because of their faith. In the afterlife, they will be in heavens full of blessings and rivers will flow under their mansions. They will be there in a state of happiness and say: “Oh my God! They pray, "How great are you with your unlimited power and glory. We exalt you from all kinds of shortcomings." There, their greeting will be "greetings". The end of the prayers and supplications of believers in heaven is; They say, “All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the worlds.” ( 10 Jonah 9-10 ) ... I give full praise and praise to Almighty Allah, who showed us the right path and guided us. O Allah, do not spare your blessings and mercy on your servant and unlettered prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), his wives and his descendants, just as you had mercy on Abraham and his descendants. Just as you bestowed goodness and blessings on Abraham and his descendants, grant goodness and blessings to your servant and unlettered prophet, Muhammad (peace be upon him), and his wives and descendants; indeed, you are worthy of praise and the most exalted.
Riyazü's-Salihinİmam Nevevi · Esra Yayınları · 20073,137 okunma
4890 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
Read in 44 days
Riyâzü’s-Sâlihîn, İmam-ı Nevevî (rahmetullahi aleyh)
‎إِنَّ أَحْسَنَ الْحَدِيثِ كِتَابُ اللَّهِ وَأَحْسَنَ الْهَدْيِ هَدْيُ مُحَمَّدٍ صَلَّى اللَّهُ عَلَيْهِ وَسَلَّمَ “Sözlerin en güzeli Allah’ın kitabı, yolların en güzeli Muhammed ﷺ’in yoludur.” Rabbimize hamd olsun, hamdlerin en güzeli, en üstünü olsun ki; “Habibim” diyerek hiçbir kimseye vermediği üstün kıymeti verdiği, şefaâtkânımız, servetimiz, serverimiz, serbülendimiz, güneşimiz, övüncümüz, ümmeti olmakla şeref bulduğumuz, Tâhîr ve Mutahhir peygamberinin, Ahmed-i Mahmud-u Muhammed Mustafaﷺ ‘nın fem-i şeriflerinden çıkan hadislerin derlemelerinden müteşekkil, 2 Temmuz’da başladığımız, Türkçe karşılığı “Sâlihler Bahçesi” olan “Riyâzü’s-Sâlihîn” isimli eser-i şerifi 18 Eylül yani dün, hitâma erdirdik. Sevinçliyim ve hüzünlüyüm. Sevinçliyim çünkü, ebedî saâdet vesilesi olan bu güzel, kıymetli eseri bitirmeyi nasib etti. Hüzünlüyüm çünkü, daha önce belirttiğim gibi; sanki bir dosttan ayrılır gibiyim. Ama inşâallah niyetim o ki ilerleyen zamanlarda tekrar okuyacağım. Öğrendiğim pek çok şeyin yanında Rasûl-i Kibriyâ ﷺ’ya olan sevgim, iştiyâkım arttı. Ashabına olan, ehl-i beytine olan hayranlığım arttı. Rabbime hamd ediyorum. O’nun Habibi’ne, Habibi’nin âl-i ashâbına salât ve selâm ediyorum...
Riyazü's Salihin (8 Cilt Takım)
Riyazü's Salihin (8 Cilt Takım)İmam Nevevi · Erkam Yayınları · 20163,137 okunma
879 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
Müslümanın Kullanma Kılavuzu
Firmalar ürettiği cihazların her ayrıntısını bildiğinden üretim amacına uygun olarak verimli şekilde nasıl kullanılır detaylı anlatmak için kullanma kılavuzu yazarlar. Hadisler ve Kuranı Kerim ayetleri de bir nevi Müslümanın kullanma kılavuzu gibidir. Yaratılış amacımıza uygun yaşamak için biz insanların İslamı doğru uygulaması gerekir. Bu
Riyazü's Salihin
Riyazü's Salihinİmam Nevevi · Tekin Kitabevi · 20153,137 okunma
1472 syf.
9/10 puan verdi
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It was a work that I completed in about two years. I always overestimated it and made excuses like I couldn't start or finish it. A sister of mine used to say that the important thing is not to finish it, but to be able to read it, even 5 times a day, to continue it, to revitalize it by reading it, and to reflect it into your life. That day I started reading and made plans and charts. I knew the importance of hadiths. Our Lord stated the importance of our prophet's sunnah. It is a work that I believe every Muslim should read. It is very informative, you can evaluate the conditions of that period, the footnotes are covered comprehensively. At the same time, the numbers of the hadiths are also included. You can learn the code of a hadith from different sources. Hadiths are discussed under headings according to their subjects. There are hadiths from Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidhi and Ahmed bin Hanbal. In my opinion, the eight-volume one can be read by those who have more comprehensive means. May God allow us to benefit from it. (Amen)
Riyazü's Salihin (3 Cilt Takım)
Riyazü's Salihin (3 Cilt Takım)İmam Nevevi · Diyanet İşleri Başkanlığı Yayınları · 20133,137 okunma
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