Bir Türk Filozofunun Yeniden Doğuşu

Sakallı Celal

Orhan Karaveli

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360 syf.
9/10 puan verdi
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It is a very good research and review book, which includes the biography of Turkish thinker Celal Yalnız as well as portraits from the last years of the Ottoman Empire and the young Republic. Born in 1886, Sakallı Celal is a graduate of Galatasaray, a student and friend of Tevfik Fikret, among his friends are Hamdullah Suphi, Ali Yar, Ali Sami Yen, Haldun Taner and Orhan Veli. This book is the story of a strange person who stood against bigotry and bigotry throughout his life.
Sakallı Celal
Sakallı CelalOrhan Karaveli · Doğan Kitap · 2007284 okunma
360 syf.
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Sakallı Celal, Bahriye nazırı Hüseyin Hüsnü ile lise mezunu modern bir kadın olan Ayşe Melek’in 1886-1962 yılları arasında yaşamış oğulları Celal Yalınız’ın yaşam öyküsünü anlatır. Yazar Mahmut Celal’in ‘farklı yaradılış’ta olduğu küçük yaşlarda belli olmuştu der. Daha ilkokuldayken Bahriye Mektebi’ne giden ağabeylerinin kitaplarını Fransızca
Sakallı Celal
Sakallı CelalOrhan Karaveli · Doğan Kitap · 2007284 okunma
360 syf.
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Read in 6 days
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Sakallı Celal's name was first mentioned in a quote by @19fourty5: "Such ignorance is only possible with education." -Bearded Celal-" I heard this comment and I became incredibly curious about the person who said it. I am grateful to him for introducing me to this unique philosopher whose name is little known. Sakallı Celal worked as a
Sakallı Celal
Sakallı CelalOrhan Karaveli · Doğan Kitap · 2007284 okunma
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