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7.8Out of 10
118 People · 34 Review
240 syf.
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Emine Semiye / Misery #Misery is the only novel published in the lifetime of Emine Semiye, one of the pioneers of the Ottoman women's movement. Together with her sister Fatma Aliye, they fought to make women visible in social life. In her book, she mainly touches upon women's solidarity and also reveals the desperation experienced in those years. There is a narrative style in which we look back after the events and learn the reasons. With the abundance of concubines and children, and the presence of nannies and servants in the fiction, you can sometimes confuse who is who and scroll through the pages. You may also see that adoption was very easy at that time and you may be confused as to who the children's parents were. Despite the multitude of characters, it had a fluent and beautiful plot. Sabite, the daughter of a wealthy family who is loved and respected. He falls into misery because of the tricks his relatives plot to inherit. You are impressed by what he and those around him experienced, their class differences, their perspectives on love, and the family structure of those times. A beautiful work that strikingly describes the power of love and goodness. Those who want to read something that is reminiscent of Yeşilçam films should not miss it. Enjoyable reading…
SefaletEmine Semiye · Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları · 2022313 okunma
10/10 puan verdi
"Türk tarihçiliğinin en önemli isimlerinden biri de Ahmet Cevdet Paşadır hiç kuşkusuz. Onun yazdığı "Târîh-i Cevdet", tarih çalışmaları yapanlar için önemli bir kaynaktır. Onun iki muhteşem kızı vardır. Birinin fotoğrafını cebinizde taşıyorsunuz genellikle; 50 TL lık banknotta fotoğrafı bulunan yazar Fatma Aliye (TOPUZ) hanım.
SefaletEmine Semiye · Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları · 2022313 okunma
240 syf.
8/10 puan verdi
Read in 3 days
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Although it was a familiar and easy-to-follow story, understanding the characters made me very tired while reading. The book was divided into sections and a different group of characters and cases were included in each, and since the names were not familiar, it was not easy to understand who was who and what was what. Unfortunately, I didn't find the story very cute... It was the author's only novel, maybe he is more successful in stories.
SefaletEmine Semiye · Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları · 2022313 okunma
240 syf.
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Read in 3 days
, çaresizliğin kadın dayanışmasıyla aşıldığı bir
Emine Semiye
Emine Semiye
romanıdır. Varlıklı bir ailede yetişmesine rağmen babasının vefatından sonra türlü oyunlarla zenginliğini kaybeden bir kadın olan Sabite'nin sefalete uzanan erkek egemen dünyada ayakta kalma hikâyesini anlatıyor yazar. Kahramanımız Sabite'nin başına gelenler anlatılırken, toplumun sosyokültürel yapısı, aile ilişkileri, iyilik, kötülük, namus gibi kavramlar çok iyi bir şekilde anlatılmış. Vicdansız insanların; kıskançlık, hırs ve bencillikle yaptıkları epey içinizi soğutacak bir şekilde aktarılmış. Kitapla ilgili sevmediğim tek kısım soyağacının çok geniş olması ve kimin kim olduğunun kafa karıştırıcı olması. Onun dışında kitabı severek okudum. En sevdiği karakterde Gayret oldu.
SefaletEmine Semiye · Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları · 2022313 okunma
240 syf.
Not rated
Read in 29 hours
This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
Hello ; I came again with a review of a Turkish classic book; The blurb on the back cover of the book was very nice, so I wanted the part about the book to be a blurb. Sabite, the daughter of a wealthy family, falls into the clutches of poverty due to the inheritance intrigues of her relatives. The young woman, who does not compromise on her principles despite all the difficulties she experiences, starts a long and difficult struggle to seek her rights together with her friends. Misery, which had a great impact when it was published, is a novel of desperation as well as strong female solidarity. The novel, which was also translated into Serbian, was deemed worthy of the Saint Sava award. #back cover I want to share a little something about the author. Emine Semiye was the sister of Fatma Aliye, whose books we also read from the Turkish classics series. Emine Semiye was one of the first Ottoman women to study abroad. I saw this from a friend's comment on this platform and wanted to share it with you. I wish everyone a pleasant reading.
SefaletEmine Semiye · Türkiye İş Bankası Kültür Yayınları · 2022313 okunma
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