Sevgi Masalı

Samed Behrengi


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Bir varmış bir yokmuş
Keçi su kenarında oturmuş iki gözü iki çeşme ağlıyormuş. Köpek keçiyi görünce havlayarak seslenmiş.Hav ,hav ,geliyoruz! Keçi neşeyle karşılık vermiş:"Beni bulamayacağınızdan korkmuştum. Kurda kuşa yem olacaktım. Teşekkür ederim."
Sayfa 28 - CAN ÇOCUKKitabı okudu
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He was in love with Koçali Princess. He loved her with a pure and clean love. As far as he was concerned, there was nothing wrong with it. How could there be a mistake? What's wrong with loving?
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"I want you. I know how much I need your love. Take me with you. I want to live like everyone else."
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"What kind of a city is this that no one knows the Tale of Love?"
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The winter was very harsh this year, and spring came late.
100 öğeden 11 ile 20 arasındakiler gösteriliyor.