Siyasi İdeolojiler

Andrew Heywood

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🌿Merhabalar🌿 #188501228 E-KİTAPLAR Telegram E-kitaplar Sayfama gelip bu iletiyi okuyorsan, bence kitap önererek yorumunu da ekleyebilirsin, şimdiden teşekkürler 🙏🙏 Her öneri birbirinden değerli benim için🥰 Değerli önerilerinizden oluşan kitap listesi;
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“I am disgusted by what you said, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.”
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Ideoloji kavramı en iyi anlatan kitaplardan biridir. Liberalizm, komünizm, ideoloji, muhafazakarlık, sosyolizim görüşleri açık ve net bir anlatıma sahip. Siyaset sevmediğim için fazla tavsiye ereceğim bir tür değil ama dersler için en iyi anlatıcılığa sahip bir eser iyi okumalar...
Siyasi İdeolojiler
Siyasi İdeolojilerAndrew Heywood · Adres yayınları · 2013362 okunma
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Liberalism as a political credo probably did not exist before the 19th century, but it was based on ideas and theories that had developed over the previous three centuries. Liberal ideas emerged in Europe as a result of the collapse of feudalism and the emergence of a market society, or capitalist society, in its place. In many ways, liberalism reflected the aspirations of a growing middle class in conflict with the established power of absolute monarchs and landed aristocracy. Liberal ideas were radical: They called for fundamental reforms and sometimes even revolutionary change.
Sayfa 41 - Adres Yayınları, PDF
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The origins of the terms “left” and “right” go back to the French Revolution, to the seating arrangement adopted at the first meeting of the General Assembly (États Généraux) in 1789. The radicals, members of the Third Assembly, sat on the left, while the aristocrats who supported the king sat on the king's right. A similar seating style was followed in subsequent French Parliaments. Very soon the term "right" came to be understood as reactionary or royalist, and the term "left" as a term that embodied revolutionary or egalitarian sympathies.
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askeri cunta
1970’de Şili’de Salvador Allende, dünyanın ilk demokratik şekilde seçilen Marksist devlet başkanı oldu, fakat, 1973’te CIA’in desteklediği darbede öldürülerek devrildi.
Sayfa 118 - Adres Yayınları, PDF
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