Kanıta Dayalı Tedavi Rehberi

Şizofreninin Bilişsel Tedavisi

Douglas Turkington


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Şizofreni görünümlü gaslighting
In this manual we do not assume that strong beliefs, however strange they may seem, are inaccurate, nor that they need to be changed—but that they need to be understood and their consequences explored. One example where this was relevant involved a woman who had been admitted to the hospital with paranoid “delusions.” These were centered around her husband, who she accused of trying to kill her. Her family disputed this, and her husband presented plausibly and appeared very concerned about her. She eventually accepted medication and returned home—only to be admitted to a general hospital a few months later as a result of her general practitioner’s concerns. Investigation showed that she was indeed being poisoned. Her husband was arrested and later convicted of attempted murder. While such circumstances are rare, much more commonly bizarre or apparently erroneous beliefs are found to have some truth in them—or at least the reasons why the person believed them to be true become clearer as assessment and therapy progress.
Sayfa 52 - Türkçesi sayfa 52, İngilizcesi s.21
Pek çok sağlık çalışanı şizofreniyi ilaçsız terapiye yanıt vermiyor olarak görmektedir. Aslında durum böyle değildir. (...) Şizofreni tanısı olan kişiler bunu ilaç tedavisi olmadan halledebilir ancak kanıtlar pek çok hastanın kendi yararları için psiko-sosyal tedaviye ek olarak ilaç tedavisine ihtiyaç duyduklarını göstermektedir.
Sayfa 8 - Psikonet Yayınları, 1. Basım, 2019
Şizofreni hastalığı olan bireyler çeşitli psikiyatrik semptomlar yaşarlar.
Sayfa 19 - PsikonetKitabı okudu
Şizofrenide bazı varsanılar yaygın olarak ortaya çakmasına rağmen tanısal etkilere sahip değildir.
Şizofreni, bir yüzyıl önce ilk kez “erken bunama” olarak tanımladığından beni nedenleri ve sınıflandırılması bakımdan problematik bir rahatsızlık olmuştur…
Sayfa 17 - PsikonetKitabı okudu
However, many practitioners continue to believe that the content of psychotic symptoms should be ignored and that any psychological work or engagement attempted with psychotic symptoms is liable to lead to increased distress and exacerbation of symptoms, as a result of having opened up disturbing areas. This perspective has meant that people with schizophrenia have had few opportunities to explore and understand these distressing and debilitating symptoms. They have also not been encouraged to use their own internal resources to manage their distressing symptoms and even test out the validity of their beliefs because it has not been believed that this could help. Physicians thus have had no alternative but to progressively increase antipsychotic medication. This might have some additional effects but often simply leads to further distress from side effects, especially akathisia (so-called restless legs), and disability through other side effects (sedation, tremor, weight gain, impaired concentration and memory).
İngilizcesinden sayfa "xi"
Psikoeğitimin özgün bir biçimi, “anormal” ve çılgınlık ile ilişkili olan semptomların (örn. Sesler ve paranoyanın) tartışıldığı normalleştirme yönetemidir.
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