Harry Bosch Serisi 4

Son Çakal

Michael Connelly

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8.4Out of 10
26 People · 7 Review
422 syf.
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Harry Bosch serisinin dördüncü kitabında Harry' i psikolog koltuğunda yakalarız. Bizim zekası fevriliği ile doğru orantılı polisimiz, amirinin kafasını büro camına geçirmiş ve açığa alınmıştır. Zorunlu tatilini annesinin katilini yakalamaya karar verir ama kaldırdığı taşların altından çıkanlar vay be dedirtir. Serinin kitapları konu olarak birbirini takip ediyor. Sonraki kitaplar, öncellere gönderme yapıyor. Atlamadan okunursa daha keyifli.
Son Çakal
Son ÇakalMichael Connelly · İnkılâp Kitapevi · 200271 okunma
422 syf.
9/10 puan verdi
Son Çakal, Harry Bosch #4
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It is the fourth book in the Harry Bosch series. Harry is sent to the department's psychologist on indefinite paid leave because he was violent towards his superior Pounds. He tells the doctor the details, including his mother's death in the past. Bored and wanting to deal with something, Harry decides to investigate his mother's murder while he is on leave. During these investigations, possible suspects extend to the district attorney of the time. Because the detectives who handled the incident investigated the incident superficially and covered it up. Harry conducts an extensive investigation, joining the detectives investigating the case one by one. Events come to such a point that they become inextricable. Perhaps the next event that will start to unravel like crazy is the murder of Harry's superior, Pounds. Ninety-eight people were tortured and brutally murdered. The first suspect is, of course, Harry. But he has solid evidence and witnesses. He manages to get away from this incident and continues his work to find his mother's murderer. This book was the one with the most detailed explanation of Harry's past among the others I have read. It was a book that reflected Harry Bosch's inner world, in which we better understood why he was Harry Bosch. I read it with pleasure. The mystery element in the last episode was really nice. While we thought for a moment that the murderer had been found, a completely different person turned out to be. Of course, things that were not done years ago had a big impact on this. I hope I can find other books. This was the last Harry Bosch book I owned. Things never end when it comes to Harry Bosch. Something mysterious always comes up. Happy reading everyone.
Son Çakal
Son ÇakalMichael Connelly · İnkılâp Kitapevi · 200271 okunma
422 syf.
10/10 puan verdi
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In this book, the author focused more on Harry's emotional side and psychological elements. His house was damaged in the earthquake, he was suspended from his job and abandoned by his girlfriend... In the author's previous books, we learned that the detective's mother was murdered years ago and remained unsolved. While Haryy, who was suspended from work, struggles with his mental problems, he also goes back to the past and reopens the murder case to find his mother's murderer and begins to investigate with his own means... I read the book thinking that the murderer was somehow obvious until the end, but I felt like I was slapped with the surprise ending. Collelly once again amazed me with his intelligence. I read it with great pleasure...
Son Çakal
Son ÇakalMichael Connelly · İnkılâp Kitapevi · 200271 okunma
422 syf.
Not rated
Serinin dördüncü kitabı. Bence ilk üç daha iyiydi. Bunda diğerlerinde olmayan bir yavaşlık, hatta yer yer sıkıcılık mevcuttu. Özellikle ilk yarı çok tıkanıktı ve akamadı hikaye. Ayrıca genel olarak harry de hem evini hem de sevgilisini kaybetmekten depresyondaydı. Harry hiçbir zaman neşe böceği olmadı zaten de bu kadar karamsarlık yordu beni. Neyse ki ikinci yarı olaylar hızlandı. Final ise harry için üzücüydü.
Son Çakal
Son ÇakalMichael Connelly · İnkılâp Kitapevi · 200271 okunma
422 syf.
9/10 puan verdi
Connelly'nin bana göre en başarılı romanlarından biri. Bosch'un kişiliği ve geçmişi ile daha çok bilgiler aldığımız çok iyi bir romandı. Bu sefer Bosch beklenmedik bir cinayeti araştırır ve beklenmedik sonuçlar öğrenir ve bu kitap ile serinin gidişatı bayağı bir de değişir. Bosch serisinin Amazon tarafından yapılan dizi uyarlaması; imdb.com/title/tt3502248...
Son Çakal
Son ÇakalMichael Connelly · İnkılâp Kitapevi · 200271 okunma