
Hermann Hesse

Sözler ve Alıntılar

Tümünü Gör
Özlemlerini paylaşmadığım, coşkularını anlamadığım bir dünyada nasıl bozkır kurdu ve görgüsüz münzevi olmayayım?
Beni seviyorsun çünkü senin yalnızlığını kırdım, seni tam cehennemin kapılarından aldım ve seni yeniden uyandırdım.
I can’t bear to sit in a theatre or cinema for long, I can scarcely read a newspaper, hardly ever a modern book. I can’t understand the pleasures or joys people now seek in crowded trains and hotels, in crowded cafés with their obtrusive hot-house music; in the bars and variety theatres of expensive, fashionable cities; at the world’s fairs, at street carnivals, in the public lectures for those desperate to improve their education, or at large sporting venues. I am unable to understand or share any of these joys which thousands of other people jostle one another to experience, though they would of course be within my reach. On the other hand, what I experience in my own rare hours of joy, what invigorates, delights, uplifts me, and sends me into ecstasies, the world at large knows, looks for and loves if at all only in works of literary fiction. In real life they find it mad. And in fact, if the world at large is right, if the music in the cafés, these mass entertainments, these American-style people who are content with so little are all right, then I am wrong, I am mad. I am indeed the Steppenwolf that I often call myself, a beast that has strayed into an alien and incomprehensible world and is no longer able to find its home, the air it is used to breathing or the food it likes to eat.
Çoğu insan, yapabilene kadar yüzmek istemez.
İçimde güçlü duygu ve duyumlara yönelik vahşi bir özlem, bu tonsuz, düz, normal ve kısır hayata karşı bir öfke kabarıyor. Bir şeyi, belki bir depoyu, belki bir katedrali ya da kendimi parçalamak için çılgınca bir dürtüm var.
100 öğeden 11 ile 20 arasındakiler gösteriliyor.