Stratejik Düşünme İçin Elli Model

Stratejik Karar Kitabı

Mikael Krogerus


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what makes you happy :) ?
After interviewing over a thousand people about what made them happy, he found that all the responses had five things in common. Happiness, or “flow,” occurs when we are: *intensely focused on an activity *of our own choosing, that is *neither underchallenging (boreout) nor overchallenging (burnout), that has *a clear objective, and that receives *immediate feedback. Csíkszentmihályi discovered that people who are “in the flow” not only feel a profound sense of satisfaction, they also lose track of time and forget themselves completely because they are so immersed in what they are doing. Musicians, athletes, actors, doctors and artists describe how they are happiest when they are absorbed in an often exhausting activity – totally contradicting the commonly held view that happiness has to do with relaxation.
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Better late than never. But never late is better.
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14 attributes for goals to be established
Once you have established a goal, check whether it correlates with these fourteen requirements. Specific Measurable Attainable Realistic Time-phased Positively stated Understood Relevant Ethical Challenging Legal Environmentally sound Agreed Recorded
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Memory is the only paradise from which we cannot be driven. Jean Paul
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... we tend to forget that every future has a past, and that our past is the foundation on which our future is built.
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