Suç ve Ceza

Fyodor Dostoyevski


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"I can't say I know, but a situation interests me, Actually I should have said the whole problem. What I want to talk about is not that crimes, thefts and arson in the lower classes have been increasing in the last five years. What strikes me as odd is that crime is increasing exponentially even among the noble class... One day, we hear that a student blocked the stagecoach and robbed it in the middle of the day. The next day, it is revealed that people in good positions were printing counterfeit money; Another day, our officials abroad are killed for unknown gains. Recently, a gang selling fake lottery tickets was arrested in Moscow. The leader of the gang was actually a professor who taught history at the university. This old moneylender must have been killed by someone from the upper class, because the villagers do not pledge gold. "This immorality that the intellectual part of society has fallen into How do we explain it?"
Suç ve Ceza
Suç ve Ceza
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I guess people who have nothing to lock up are happy, right?
Suç ve Ceza
Suç ve Ceza
Dostoyevski Okuma Rehberi | Hayatı ve Kitaplarını Okuma Sırası
Rus Edebiyatı'nın Rus Edebiyatı olmasını sağlayan, kitaplarıyla sadece kendi yaşadığı çağı değil yüzlerce yıllık bir etkiye sebebiyet veren, acılarla yoğrulmuş, hayatını sürekli maddi sıkıntılar içerisinde geçirmiş, en büyük yazarlardan biridir
Fyodor Dostoyevski
Fyodor Dostoyevski
. Dostoyevski konusunda şunu fark ettim, maalesef ki hala Suç ve Ceza ya da Karamazov
Sizlerin puanlamaları ile seçilen "EN İYİ" 20 eser!
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"Bir kez hazır yemeğe başkasının emeğine yaslanıp asalak geçinmeye görsün....."
Suç ve Ceza
Suç ve Ceza
Fyodor Dostoyevski
Fyodor Dostoyevski
100 öğeden 21 ile 30 arasındakiler gösteriliyor.