Sybil, or The Two Nations is an 1845 novel by Benjamin Disraeli. Sybil traces the plight of the working classes of England. Disraeli was interested in dealing with the horrific conditions in which the majority of England’s working classes lived — or, what is generally called the Condition of England question. The book is a novel with a thesis — which was meant to create a furor over the squalor that was plaguing England’s working class cities.
Benjamin Disraeli, Britanyalı politikacı ve 19. yüzyıl'da birçok kez Birleşik Krallık başbakanı olmuş devlet adamı. Yahudi asıllıdır. 19. yüzyıl'ın ikinci yarısında Britanya siyasetinin, Liberal Partili William Gladstone ile birlikte en önemli ismiydi.