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It was not important for a person whose conscience was captive to be free. In his imagination, that person was imprisoned in the darkest corridors.
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...finally succeeded in entering the door of trust. As the climate of peace passed through his veins and spread throughout his body, he decided to kneel before fate and surrender to his destiny. It was hard to wait, but patience, even though it was difficult, promised the only real healing.
Benim uykularım mecburiyetten. Cesarete gelince, cesurlukla alakası yok; kader! İradeye benim hayatımda yer yok!
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The most effective way to forget one's grief is to worry about the problems of all humanity.
İki şartın üzerinde hayat bulur ve yaşar aşk, gayrısına lüzum yok. Ne can vermeye ihtiyaç var, ne can adamaya, sadece sadakat ve fedakârlık!
100 öğeden 11 ile 20 arasındakiler gösteriliyor.