Tepedelenli Ali Paşa

Alexandre Dumas

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230 syf.
3/10 puan verdi
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Sevgili Dumas, Monte Kristo Kontunda hafif övgüyle, ihanete uğramış birisi olarak anlattığı bu zaaat hakkında yazdığı biyografide, aslında ne kadar alçak bir insan olduğunu 200 syfa boyunca gözler önüne sermiş. Vatana ihanetin dışında, zaten çeteci olan, güç zehirlenmesi ile kendi oğlunun karısının bile ırzına geçen bu mahlukatın biyografisini okumak size pek birşey katmaz. Okuduğum en gereksiz Dumas kitabıdır.
Tepedelenli Ali Paşa
Tepedelenli Ali PaşaAlexandre Dumas · Parşömen Yayınları · 2011147 okunma
104 syf.
8/10 puan verdi
This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
I'm good with history. I like to learn about the leading names of history, whether Turkish or world history, people who are obscure, little-known, but who actually did important things for humanity in their time, and their lives. When I saw that Tepedelenli Ali Pasha was written by one of my favorite authors, I wanted to buy it and read it. Even though the work did not satisfy me, its subject was as follows: Later, Ali Pasha brutally took revenge for the insults made by the Kardik people to his mother and sister. He imprisons Ibrahim Pasha, whom he considers his rival, in the dungeon for years, even though he is his son's father-in-law, and ignores Sultan Mahmud's order and kills this old man in prison. This incident was the first reason for his estrangement with Istanbul. He was later called to Istanbul and he knew what would happen to him. rebels for it. He resisted the forces of Hurşit Pasha by hiding in Yanya Castle for two years. When the castle was taken by Yanya Hurşit Pasha, he moved to the island in the lake and was shot there as a result of a trick by Hurşit Pasha.
Tepedelenli Ali Paşa
Tepedelenli Ali PaşaAlexandre Dumas · Kırmızı Kedi Yayınevi · 2020147 okunma
Not rated
This text has been automatically translated from Turkish. Show Original
The man who made the Ottomans lose the Peloponnese. Or Muslim Bonaparte in the eyes of Westerners. A prince devoid of conscience and morality who has the ability to become one of Machiavelli's favorites with his ambition, intelligence and ruthlessness. The ailment that the Ottoman Empire, which was going through hard times, was patient in order to prevent both the bandits and the Greek rebellion that appeared on the horizon in the lands that they could not rule, could not be cured. Dumas transforms the story of Ali Pasha, who was born in the Tepedelen village of Albania as the grandson of a Mevlevi dervish from Kütahya and who was eventually beheaded, whose head is publicly displayed on the lesson stone in Topkapı Palace, into a romance.
Tepedelenli Ali Paşa
Tepedelenli Ali PaşaAlexandre Dumas · Kırmızı Kedi Yayınevi · 2020147 okunma
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