The Age of Innocence

Edith Wharton

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Sayfa 415 - martı yayıncılık
“For mercy’s sake what’s the matter?” “Nothing’s the matter, except that I’m going to be married in a month.”
No, no; not one of them wants to be different; they’re scared of it as the small-pox.
You'll never amount to anything, any of you, till you roll up your sleeves and get right down into the muck. That, or emigrate ... God! If I could emigrate ..." Emigrate! As if a gentleman could abandon his own country! One could no more do that than one could roll up one's sleeves and go down into the muck. A gentleman simply stayed at home and abstained.
Our ideas about marriage and divorce are particularly old-fashioned. Our legislation favours divorce - our social customs don’t.
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